May 2

Flat Stanley

Flat Stanley is such a great friend!  You can take him anywhere and it makes you so happy to do so.  Flat Stanley, the book was written by Jeff Brown and published in 1964.  It’s interesting to note that until Flat Stanley became a classroom star, Brown did not publish any further works until some 2 decades later, he published a series of books and by mention from Wikipedia had sold over a million copies by 2003.

In the first edition published by Harper and Row(1964-1985), the story tells about the adventures of Stanley as he is pressed flat by a bulletin board.  He does the best that he can being flat by traveling and having great fun.

Flat Stanley in London-2009 ( Ramey Collection).

Teachers far and wide have had their students create Flat Stanley’s and have gone on field trips, had them go on trips and take their Flat Stanley and more.

My Flat Stanley has been many places including Buckingham Palace where I’ll take him again during the coronation.

See you tomorrow,


April 28

The Regal Visits of Royalty to America

The Royal Family information notes that King George III(1738-1820)  was the eldest son of Frederick, Prince of Wales, and Prince Augusta.  He was the longest ruling monarch before Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II according to History.  Com.  He reigned for some 59 years and was the king who was during the loss of the American Revolution.  In his papers is a writing that says “America is lost”.  It is noted by PBS that the Revolutionary War lasted some eighty years because King George would not surrender.

“America is Lost!” (United States Government papers).

While some indicate King George III had a vision of coming the the United States, the actual first king to come to America was in 1939 when King George VI, according to Senate. Gov. 

King George VI, (Public Domain, portrait by Walter Stoneman, 1938).

Ticket to see King George. (Government documents).

Queen Elizabeth II visited America the first time in October of 1951 according to congressional information.  Present Harry Truman met “the future Queen” on the Washington National Airport tarmac. Other viists according to the White House Historical Association include “four State visits, five State dinners and two unofficial visits during her reign”.  

Queen Elizabeth, William and Mary College. ( Ramey)

I was able to see the Queen when she visited William and Mary college in 2007.  That was a memorable occasion.  After she left, I walked on stage and sat in her seat, just for the fun of it.

See you tomorrow.  


Sources: Senate. gov, Congressional papers, Wiki commons.

September 28

The Queen’s Corgis

Queen Elizabeth died during the summer of 2022. She is known for being the longest living monarch, a true leader of her people, one of the most famous known faces known and for loving corgis. Corgis are Pembroke Welsh dogs.

There is a full and complete write-up about her dogs on the well-known Wikipedia site describing the Queen’s love for that type of dogs and even noting that she has has as many as 30 corgis during her reign as queen from 1952 until her death in 2022.

This photograph was supposedly taken by the royal family with Queen Elizabeth II and two of her royal dogs. If this is not photoshopped it shows the queen’s humor.

See you tomorrow,

September 27

Queen Elizabeth II, Grandmother to Many

Having been in the crowds this week in London where people actually and genuinely seemed to love  Her Majesty, the Queen of England, Elizabeth II. It was heartwarming.  Because of the circumstances of the massive crowds, we spent great amounts of time with groups of people having met them for the first time.  In our case we spent as many as 7 hours together.  In seven hours you learn a lot about people. 

QEII first Christmas broadcast

I don’t know if this story was repeated or if it was true for this man but he told how Queen Elizabeth was the only Queen he knew.  She was like his grandmother, he said.  He said they would be in their own homes cooking on Christmas Day and they would hear a familiar voice from the television. It would be like their grandmother speaking to them, and telling them everything would be alright.  She would tell them about the birth of Christ and His importance encouraging them to follow their dreams and do good. He confirmed that he would miss that from her.  What a great influence to the masses far and wide, not just in England.

We don’t have to be Queen Elizabeth to make that same difference.  We can be that person to someone in our lives.  Go forth friends…

See you tomorrow,

September 27

It Was Hers To Do

You probably think I fell off of the earth having not written a word for more than a week. Well, I feel as if I did!  That’s for sure.  Traveling such a great distance in such a short time causes a body to reel! I’m back though, safe and life is finally getting back to normal.

As you well know if you follow Jacksonville Blogger, that my sister, Kathy and I traveled “across the pond” to England to see Queen Elizabeth II,  Her Majesty the Queen for the last time.  She passed away September 8, 2022 and we went to say our last and final farewell to Her Majesty, the Queen of England.

QEII Official, 1959

 It was my sister’s 2nd time visiting her, and my 3rd occasion to see her and we’re richer for it.  On two other occasions, I traveled to see her; at Williamsburg, Virginia here in America when she visited the original colonies area and my family traveled to England when William and Kate married in 2009.  

The thing about this Queen was her steadfast, continuous and determined actions to truly live for the people.  It was hers to do.  She didn’t ask for this job and would not even had been Queen had her Father’s brother not abdicated.  As you probably know, Edward VIII created a stir when in 1936 he abdicated the throne to marry a divorcee, and American actress, Wallis Simpson.  Upon his abdication of the throne, his brother, became King George VI.  Elizabeth was not even a teen when her father became king but was groomed to take his place and in June of 1953 did just that vowing to “strive to be worthy of your (the people’s)trust”. 

I have in sincerity pledged myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged to mine. Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your trust. In this resolve I have my husband to support me. He shares all my ideals and all my affection for you.” Queen Elizabeth II, 1953

It was hers to do. What is it that you and I are to do? Let’s get on with it!

See you tomorrow,

September 17

Queen Elizabeth To Lie in State

Today we literally wrestled throngs of crowds. The beloved Her Majesty’ Queen Elizabeth II lay in state in Westminister Hall and thousands and thousands came to pay their respects. While many were able to pass her coffin, droves and droves could only pine for the loss to never see her again.

We were able a glimpse of William and Harry in the late afternoon as it was said the grandchildren were there to pay respects .

There will be many stories coming when the internet situation works better.

See you tomorrow,

September 15

Condolences To Her Majesty’s Family

Queen Elizabeth II, the longest reigning monarch died September 8, 2022. Millions from around the world loved her and had fond memories of her reign. There are many who only knew her as the head of the British Commonwealth. Many wish to share their thoughts.

You can have a message held in the Royal Archives for posterity. Visit the Royal . UK and scroll down to take time and offer a brief message to the royal family. This message will be forward to them and will be held in the Royal Archives for posterity.

See you tomorrow,

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September 14

Lord Willing and the Flights Go Right

When living life, its important to say “Lord willing” because we never know so, I say “Lord willing and the Flights go right”, Jacksonville Blogger will be in London to see the Queen’s events regarding her passing.

PA graphic

For so long, many even in Jacksonville such as myself have known only Queen Elizabeth as the “Her Majesty, the Queen of England”.  With fondness, we have followed her life and the lives of her husband, children and children’s children.

Jacksonville Blogger will be there to celebrate her life the week of her funeral and events before and after.  Stay tuned….

See you tomorrow,

September 9

King Charles III Makes His First Announcement

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom has died. Her son, Charles III is now king. Here is his statement:

“The death of my beloved Mother, Her Majesty The Queen, is a moment of the greatest sadness for me and all members of my family. 

Royal Photo of King Charles and QEII

We mourn profoundly the passing of a cherished Sovereign and a much-loved Mother.  I know her loss will be deeply felt throughout the country, the Realms and the Commonwealth, and by countless people around the world.  

During this period of mourning and change, my family and I will be comforted and sustained by our knowledge of the respect and deep affection in which The Queen was so widely held.”

Many in the United Kingdom have only known a woman as the “Defender of the Faith” and now comes King Charles III, her son as King.

We, in Jacksonville mourn Her Majesty the Queen’s loss too.

See you tomorrow,

September 8

Queen Elizabeth II Dies

The Royal Family announced the death of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday, “Published 8 September 2022”.  She was the longest living Monarch ever at 70 years and 214 days.

Royal Photo Press Release

“The following announcement has been issued by Royal Communications: The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon.  The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to Long tomorrow”.

Somehow, many feel as if we knew Queen Elizabeth II, even those who live in Jacksonville.  God Bless her legacy for it will live on into Eternity.

“It is true that the world has had to confront moments of darkness this year, but the Gospel of John contains a verse of great hope, often read at Christmas carol services: ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it’… Despite being displaced and persecuted throughout his short life, Christ’s unchanging message was not one of revenge or violence but simply that we should love one another.” (Queen Elizabeth II, Christmas message, 2015)

See you tomorrow,