May 3

Defender of The Faith

The Coronation Oath

Atop the regal crown stamped across the top of the Coronation invitations is the Cross of Christ in Christianity.  Queen Victoria of the House of Windsor and Queen Elizabeth II leaned Protestant and kept the faith of Christ a priority during their reign.  Queen Elizabeth said on many occasions that she  was of the Christian faith and in a Christmas messages understood her calling and actions would be held as a “personal accountability before God”.  

This crown with the cross of Christ is being offered on the Royal website for children to color.

According to the Guardian news organization “ Charles shares his mother’s faith and devotion, though it has a slightly different complexion”. Queen Elizabeth offered Christian messages yearly in her leadership as the Queen of England. In them she spoke of her devotion for Christ.   While Charles is said to have that same commitment, he also has interest in other religions which causes concern for the Monarchy leadership regarding “the Faith”.

In 1994, he “triggered controversy when he said he would be defender “of Faith” rather than Defender of “the Faith”,  wrote Harriet Sherwood of The Guardian . Although he tried to back-track on his comments and explain himself, many are concerned he could change the coronation oath.

In looking at this topic on Defender of the Faith, many are interested such as, PremierChristianty, Religion News, the Gospel Coalition, Christianity, Express, National Secular Society, the Conversation, the Washington Post and more.  They are all wanting to see where the new King is going with the powerful words, “faith”, the Faith”.

Hebrews 3:12 offers a serious warning to all of the faith:  Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God.

See you tomorrow,


Sources:  The Guardian, Washington Post, Gospel Coalition, Royal News , https://.

March 19

“The Wages of Sin is Death”

I don’t remind myself enough that God’s Holy Word says, “The Wages of Sin is Death”.  There are so many ways in which this is true.  It is not only so that we would die physically because of poor choices  but things in our lives that were living and thriving die because of the bad choices we make.  That is why people go to court, to detention, to jail. That is why relationships die or thrive.  That is why people have good or bad credit; a good name or a bad name.  That is why people are trusted or not, hired or fired, honored or dissed; loved or hated.  One way in which we live, we perpetuate life or because of poor choices, death.

Sammis, 1887

John Sammis wrote in 1887 these words:
When we walk with the Lord 
in the light of his Word, 
what a glory he sheds on our way! 
While we do his good will, 
he abides with us still, 
and with all who will trust and obey. 
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way 
to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. 
Not a burden we bear, 
not a sorrow we share, 
but our toil he doth richly repay; 
not a grief or a loss, 
not a frown or a cross, 
but is blest if we trust and obey.
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way 
to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. 


We want the living in our lives.  We must make the choices in our lives that the things of God thrive and live within our person and on our time on this earth. This will occur because we simply “trust and obey the living Christ”. 

It is true in my own life that death came because of a poor choice I made here or there.  Over the years, I look back at bad choices that I have made and behind them are the deaths of something as a result.  This is my life and there is no reason to tell of my wrong-doing and there are too many instances, Lord forgive me but…this morning, I remember and will choose this day whom I will serve. It will not be the evil one.  It will be the “I Am”, the Creator of all, the Lord God Almighty.

Then in fellowship sweet 

we will sit at his feet, 

or we’ll walk by his side in the way; 

what he says we will do, 

where he sends we will go; 

never fear, only trust and obey. 

See you tomorrow,


Category: Faith | LEAVE A COMMENT
September 2

The Records of All People are Being Preserved- Yes, Even Yours and Mine

How do you think God will reward His people for the things done in His name and also one day, see the devil and his bunch cast into hell for their horrible works, if things are not being recorded?

Why can’t people see that?  When talking to even Christians sometimes, I hear them diss the fact that deeds are being recorded including those in the negative realm for “them”. They somehow believe that their deeds won’t be exposed? The fact is, we are all sinners.  ALL. Even the Christian is a sinner. It is ONLY by the grace of Jesus that the Christian can and will stand in the day of judgement. That does not though, take away from the fact that even the Christian’s sins must be known to show God’s fair and just rewards.(I don’t know how it will play out, but that is true).

Every single one of us, Christian or not, sin.  The Bible is clear, “We have all come short of the glory of God”.  

That… my friend is precisely why we ALL need a Savior.  What I hear so many times with the Christian though is, that because he or she has the Savior, his or her deeds are forgiven thus somehow not recorded and kept.  NO. ALL things are recorded whether you have trusted Christ or not. The difference is that God will show His love and reward to those who took His Savior as the payment for that sin.

Yes, when we trust Jesus Christ as Savior, our sins are forgiven but NO, that does not mean we will not see a “play back” of our sins one day.  YES, they have been forgiven as far as the “east is to the west” but… here is the kicker…. Lk 8:17: For nothing is secret, that shall not be revealed; neither anything hidden, that shall not be known and come light.

It is the just God who will be able to sort out the whole display of events one day. He will be judge and jury.  He will be right and fair. He will expose all so that everyone is aware of why people find themselves in heaven or hell.  

Here are other scriptures about exposing ALL and that means, my sins and yours one day. ALL-

Numbers 32:23 says, “Be sure your sin will find you out” (KJV).

Heb 4:13: And there is no creature hidden from His sight: but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him with whom we have to give account.

Psalms 33:13: The LORD looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men.

Lk 8:17: For nothing is secret, that shall not be revealed; neither anything hidden, that shall not be known and come light.

Rom 2:6: Who will render to every man according to his works.

Rev 22:12: And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

1 Cor 4:5: Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.

Our only hope to be in heaven is to trust Jesus Christ as our Lord and King but by that, do not think that your sins will be hidden.  ALL will one day be exposed so God’s righteousness can shine through. It will be through Christ that ALL are saved from those sins. Praise God.

See you tomorrow,

Category: Faith | LEAVE A COMMENT