July 13

Photographing 700 E. Union St. 100 Year Old Bldg.

When you’re flying across the Matthews bridge and come to the bottom at the first intersection, you look right and see a huge red water tank atop a massive, long cement monster of a building, you’ve arrived.   That is the old 700 East Union Street storage and commercial building. For years, according to Chris Sandstrom, seamstress and artist in her own right noted there were spaces there for creative efforts over the years.  She said, “We had quite the community of business people there”. Who knew that for years and years the area was used for businesses, artists and more to sell and work on their crafts!

Photographers standing in front of the proposed new look for 700 Union St.

 In 2018, it was bought by Columbia  Ventures LLC and five years later photographers were invited to take a couple of hours to photograph the old building til’ their hearts content in order to preserve some of its history.

According to records, the 7.99-acre site was bought for $4.5 million and is being renovated into apartments, housing units and a restaurant. On the day we arrived the place had been completely gutted and inside walls were going up.  Also, the earth-movers were clearing out the grounds for parking space and yard renovations.  There was a lot going on. As Sandstorm said, “Soooo much history in that building”.  

The day went off without a hitch.  Photographers, and even wanna-be photographers like me went to the main office, signed waivers, promised photos of some sort and spent a hard-hat-day walking the span of this age-old building for a couple of hours. Before walking on the site, all visitors saw a safety video, had specific instructions by employees about the do’s and don’ts and each person was given a safety hat. 

The photo-tour was guided by three employees, Ryan, Ormondo, and Tore, spending about 20 minutes spent on each floor with the bonus of walking beneath the old water tower on top. On every floor, a reminder of safety instructions were given to ensure well-being.

Photographers then were let loose to walk anywhere there was not caution tape.  The thoughts were that through the eyes and lens of many photographers, they may capture some of the history in order to preserve it in a long-lasting way.  Photos will possibly be used for wall space, in foyers, apartments, offices and more.

Certainly, historians should be thrilled that not only is the building being repurposed but even history such as the photograph of old bottles, wall cracks, metal doors, old light switches, locks,  and even old rivets have been documented. 

The next time you’re flying across the Matthews Street Bridge, look right and you’ll see preservation at its finest. Oh, and ‘A shout-out to Columbia Ventures for having such a vision so as to preserve a building built in 1913 and even with vision to preserve the nuts, bolts, bottles and more!

See you tomorrow,


Sources:  Jacksonville Daily Record, Duval County Tax Records, Wikipedia, Personal Visit.

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July 12

My Mother at the Switchboard

My Mother spent time as a “Number Please” person.  Sometime after 1940, my grandparents, Clifford and Lula Long moved from Estill, South Carolina to Jacksonville, Florida.  My grandfather’s family had lost the family farm and he needed work. They moved to Jacksonville where he would work on Liberty ships on the St. Johns River in the Duval County area.  My grandmother, Lula was a stay-at-home-mom.

Switchboard. 1940’s (Beaches Museum. Photo-Ramey).

At that time, my Mother was engaged to my Dad who was overseas serving in the Army, 7th Armoured  Division.  My Mom, Geneva took a job with Southern Bell and worked at a switchboard fielding phone numbers all day long.  When a light would appear on the switchboard, my Mother explained, she would take a plug from the bottom of the switchboard and insert it in the hole representing the phone number and say “Number please”.  With that, someone would give her a phone number to call and she would connect the caller to the number where it would ring.   During that time she used her own connections to make calls by sometimes calling other towns and sometimes even dialing the phone call herself.  In the photo, you can see a phone with a dial on the side of the switchboard.

Geneva Long Vaughan (Riverside area- 1940’s)

Switchboard operators had an alphabetical listing of names from which to look for numbers if a caller did not know the number.  Those listings with a red dot by their names were unlisted numbers and not allowed to be given out.

Switchboard 1940’s (Beaches Museum- Photo- Ramey).

My Mom was employed with Southern Bell in Jacksonville, Florida for several years. 

Interesting too is that my Dad was the administrator in charge of the telephone switchboard operators at Cecil Field Naval Air station during his some 35 years employed there.

See you tomorrow ,


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July 2

First Female Mayor of Jacksonville Vows New Day…

The first female mayor of Jacksonville was sworn in on July 1 ,2023.  Donna Hazouri Deegan was born in Jacksonville, Florida on February 28, 1961.  She became the first woman to be elected as mayor of the Bold New City of the South on July 1, 2023.    

Judge Swears in first Female Mayor Donna Deegan (Photo- Ramey)

Jacksonville is believed to have been petitioned to become a city on June 15, 1822 according to city records.  Documents and information are sparce regarding the early history of the city and certainly many papers were lost in the Great Jacksonville Fire of 1901.  What information has been gathered has come from newspapers and other papers not affected by the fire.

The first mayor of Jacksonville was William Mills. He began his term in 1832.  During the Civil  War there was no mayoral leadership due to the military taking command.  In the early years of Jacksonville’s existence it had small towns within a town.  There was Brooklyn, East Jacksonville,  Fairfield, LaVilla, Riverside, Springfield and more….  Each had leadership of its own until in 1887 when a new charter gathered areas together with one mayor serving two terms.

Donna Deegan speaks to Inaugural crowd (Photo-Ramey)

Over these some 200 years, only men have served as Mayor until this year when Donna Deegan was elected on May 16, 2023.  At  her swearing-in on July 1, 2023, she used her cousin, Tommy Hazoui’s Bible marking the first time a woman would hold the office of Mayor for Jacksonville, Florida.  Tommy Hazouri, her cousin had served as Mayor from 1987-1991. He too was a Democrat.

The New Mission

The Deegan Administration will be guided by the principle that every person should have a voice in City Hall and a seat at the table. Ourculture will be an inclusive one where we encourage collaboration between leaders from all walks of life and who look like Jacksonville. Transparency, accountability, and innovation will be at the center of our decisions as we build a bridge to the next generation and industries of the future. These values will guide the next chapter in Jacksonville’s history and the culture that we will strive to create.

Mayor Deegan is committed to a comprehensive review of opportunities and challenges facing Jacksonville and identifying policy solutions that give every person the opportunity to have a good quality of life. To fulfil that pledge, the transition team is forming a series of policy and outreach committees charged with developing plans that move forward Mayor Deegan’s vision of a healthy, safe, resilient, inclusive, and innovative city that works for all of us.

Focus Areas

  • Infrastructure
  • Health
  • Economy
  • Public Safety
  • Arts, Culture, and Entertainment
  • Constituency and Community Outreach
  • Military and Veteran Affairs

The race was a divided race however, Deegan has asked for the city to come together in unity so as to have the children of Jacksonville live in a city that “fully see’s them” and where they can reach their “full potential”.

In her Inauguration speech, she said that “love won” in this election and encouraged those listening to help her complete the task of growing the city to “rise”.

Deegan’s inauguration was complete with calling on God for help, having set goals to meet and to look forward to a new day. We can only judge a person by their work, decisions and how they govern. Yes, “It is a New Day” in Jacksonville, Florida.

See you tomorrow,


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June 30

Jacksonville; Our Fair City

I love, love, love this city.  Being born here  in Jacksonville, Florida and living my entire life here except for my short time in college at Florida State University and a month with my sister in Hepzibah, Georgia, I know nothing else.  I’ve enjoyed  traveling to different and various places, visited the Queen and now King in London but there is nowhere I’d rather be than in this beautiful city of Duval County with its St. John’s River and magnificent trees such as highlighted on the Southbank at the Treaty Oak site.

My church is here where I love to serve. My immediate family is here and with that, I am set for life.

See you tomorrow,


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June 30

Lift Every Voice and Sing to be Honoured in Jacksonsville

The song written by James Weldon Johnson, a Black man from Jacksonville, Florida is being highlighted at a new “commons” area going up in Jacksonville, Florida.  Located along Adam’s Street, a main road for getting onto the busy Jacksonville Interstate 95, the park will honor Johnson’s song which by some is called “ The Black National Anthem”.

According to the NAACP.org website, the lyrics were written by James Weldon Johnson and his brother composed the music.  The song was first performed in a celebration of President Abraham Lincoln’s birthday.  The song was “adopted but the NAACP and prominently used as a rallying cry during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950’s and 1960’s.”

See you tomorrow,


Sources:  Wikipedia, NAACP, Person visit to the site

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June 29

The Jacksonville Ford Plant Demolished

After 98 years, it has finally come down to the fact that Jacksonville will no longer have need of the auto plant built in Jacksonville by the famous Henry Ford.  According to the Jaxdailyreocord, ELEV8 Demolition has taken down the old facility and the metal, steel and debris is all broken a part and mangled.  It was a long time coming but the Jacksonville City Council, Preservation Committee, Historical Society and more did all they could do to try to preserve this work of history but in the end, it will become a shipyard. According to Matt, a worker at a nearby site.

Today, I took a trip over to 1900 Wambolt to find just that- a totally dismantled and destroyed Ford factory with only the mangled steel beams distributed all over the 14.64 acre spot with old rivets showing.  Talking to one of the workers at Hall Construction Co., the old plant was basically put together by a machine that would  join the steel together tightly.  Almost 100 years ago that was amazing.  Generally speaking, a hole would have to be  drilled in the steel, a rivet placed in the hole and using a strong tool, a rivet connected holding two or more pieces of steel together.

We will keep you posted in the up-and-coming events related to this property.

See you tomorrow,


May 4

The Coronation: Thrones and Traditions

Westminster Abbey is where the Coronation had occurred for the last 900 years according to the United Kingdom website.  It is a “solemn and religious” occasion the site says and has been pretty much the same for all of these years. The ceremony is conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Royal Archives photo

According to protocol, the new Sovereign takes his or her position as the King or Queen immediately after the loss of the former Sovereign. In the case, when Queen Elizabeth II died, her son, Charles became King.   After a period of mourning, the new King or Queen will celebrate with a coronation and crowning event. In this case it has been months since the loss of QEII and now, the celebration.   This ceremony will be “rooted in longstanding traditions and pageantry” according  to the Royal UK site.

Royal Throne of England. Royal Archives photo

“By tradition, ceremonial chairs and thrones will be used for different parts of the coronation event.  The most significant chair will be the “Coronation Chair”. In that seat the new King will sit and receive his crown. The first coronation of King Edward II used the Baltic Oak chair which was made over 700 years ago.  Their Majesties from this event, King Charles and  Queen Camilla Consort, will use the St. Edward’s Chair. There are different thrones and each have its own story such as that of George VI and Queen Elizabeth’s throne.  Now King Charles will have his name engraved on the use of a throne as well. Also, needlework is a part of the stitching of the cloth which is a significant task.

This is quite an event for the ages. It has not occurred since Queen Elizabeth  II was crowned Queen of England and she served over 70 years. 

London will have the Coronation on Saturday May 6th and for several days following, lunches, parties and concerts across the Commonwealth will occur.

See you tomorrow,


Two scriptures about kings… God is the absolute Sovereign. He appoints kings for the earth.

Blessed be the LORD thy God, which delighted in thee to set thee on his throne, to be king for the LORD thy God: because thy God loved Israel, to establish them for ever, therefore made he thee king over them, to do judgment and justice. 2 Chronicles

“And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:” Daniel 2:21

Sources: Royal Archives photos, Royal. uk website information, King James Bible online.

May 4

The Royal Coronation Coaches

According to the Royal Collection Trust, the Gold State Coach was “designed by William Chambers and made by coach maker Samuel Butler”.  This carriage has been used for every coronation since William IV’s in 1831.

Royal Collection Trust / © His Majesty King Charles III 2023

The Royal Coronation Coaches

According to the Royal Collection Trust, the Gold State Coach was “designed by William Chambers and made by coach maker Samuel Butler”.  This carriage has been used for every coronation since William IV’s in 1831.

While it looks like gold, it is actually giftwood, a thin layer of gold leaf as described by the Royal Trust Collection.

It has painted items on it including three cherubs on the roof representing England, Scotland, and Ireland.

oyal Collection Trust / © His Majesty King Charles III 2023

Queen Elizabeth II rode in the coach in 1953 at her coronation and again it appeared as part of the Platinum Jubilee Pageant in 2022 according to the Royal Trust site.  It is said that Queen Victoria did not care for the coach even though it is the 3rd oldest UK coach behind the Speaker of the House of Common’s coach of 1698  and the Lord Mayor of London’s coach built in 1758.

Royal Collection Trust / © His Majesty King Charles III 2023

This coach will carry King Charles and Queen Camilla to and from the ceremony.

See you tomorrow,


May 3

Defender of The Faith

The Coronation Oath

Atop the regal crown stamped across the top of the Coronation invitations is the Cross of Christ in Christianity.  Queen Victoria of the House of Windsor and Queen Elizabeth II leaned Protestant and kept the faith of Christ a priority during their reign.  Queen Elizabeth said on many occasions that she  was of the Christian faith and in a Christmas messages understood her calling and actions would be held as a “personal accountability before God”.  

This crown with the cross of Christ is being offered on the Royal website for children to color.

According to the Guardian news organization “ Charles shares his mother’s faith and devotion, though it has a slightly different complexion”. Queen Elizabeth offered Christian messages yearly in her leadership as the Queen of England. In them she spoke of her devotion for Christ.   While Charles is said to have that same commitment, he also has interest in other religions which causes concern for the Monarchy leadership regarding “the Faith”.

In 1994, he “triggered controversy when he said he would be defender “of Faith” rather than Defender of “the Faith”,  wrote Harriet Sherwood of The Guardian . Although he tried to back-track on his comments and explain himself, many are concerned he could change the coronation oath.

In looking at this topic on Defender of the Faith, many are interested such as, PremierChristianty, Religion News, the Gospel Coalition, Christianity, Express, National Secular Society, the Conversation, the Washington Post and more.  They are all wanting to see where the new King is going with the powerful words, “faith”, the Faith”.

Hebrews 3:12 offers a serious warning to all of the faith:  Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God.

See you tomorrow,


Sources:  The Guardian, Washington Post, Gospel Coalition, Royal News , https://. bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Falling-Away-From-God

May 1

King Charles III Letter By Correspondent

Those able to enter the Abbey must have received this….

Well, no disappointment. I won’t be sitting in the Abbey during the coronation of King Charles Philip Arthur George’s ceremony. While I did do all I could to secure a magical seat, it has now been confirmed by the King’s correspondent T. Lundy from Buckingham Palace, that I am still invited to either watch the broadcast “live to a global audience” or go in-person to see “their Magesties” as they “return to Buckingham Palace in a larger ceremonial procession, known as the Coronation Procession, which will be viewable….along the route”.  

My family and I have decided to take the latter and go there.( No pun on latter… Ha! I took a 6 foot ladder to see Prince William and Kate. And, yes… I’m trying to figure this out too…)  Together, Daniel, Katie, Derrick, Kristie, Kathy, Ramey and I will get to see the golden carriage with our own eyes!  Yes, they say it’s painted in real gold. How fun.

And, let me say.  My hope for King Charles Philip Arthur George is that he reigns with Jesus as his Lord, Savior and King. There is no higher Majesty than Him.  May He reign seeking God’s favour.

See you tomorrow,


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