March 8

Beyond Van Gogh- Brilliant but Tragic

There is no way to tell the Spiritual condition of a person except for by their life.  It is by our heart and true faith that we live and die.  The story of Vincent Van Gogh is brilliant yet tragic. 

The scripture says in 1 John 5:11-13 “And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.” 

Only God knows if Van Gogh found the peace he needed.

Van Gogh self portrait.

His artwork lives on world-wide and now in Jacksonville, Florida in a magnificent display of color, movement and art.  The “Beyond Van Gogh” project is a display of over 300 pieces of his work put together using basically a light show.  

It is the first showing of any kind in the newly purchased First Baptist Church auditorium located on Beaver Street,  which was sold in 2022.  The company who bought it is using it as an “event center” and  will be bringing in other programs such as King Tut and more.  For now, it is hosting Van Gogh’s work and due to the success of its showing, it has been extended twice.

When you walk in, there is a bar where liquor can be purchased and a cashier who will take your money or scan your electronic ticket on your phone. ( God must be crying about his Church but that’s a story for another day). 

They take walk-in’s however, encourage reservations.  There were eight of us.

Go with friends. You’ll have fun.

Right away, there are at least 10 foot lit up panels telling of Van Gogh’s life which amounts to highs and lows of him trying to find success.  His father was a protestant preacher and Van Gogh even thought he might follow in his father’s footsteps and preach but he did not find that to be successful for him.

Through many trials and even business dealings with this brother Theo, he came to the realisation that he was indeed an artist.

This show provides the proof.  Only God knows of Van Gogh’s relationship with Him. I pray he found that.

This event seems a bit pricy but if you go with a great group of people or the one you love, you’ll find it worth the cost.

Go with the one that you love… You’ll love all the more.

Go Here-NoCo Center-712 N Hogan St, Jacksonville, FL 32202

Contact here-


See you tomorrow.


Tags:, Vaughan Publishing, Jacksonville , Fl Copyright © 1953-2024. Feel free to share any of my photos with credit to Ramey Collection.

Posted March 8, 2023 by Jacksonville Blogger in category "Art", "Visit This

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