February 7

The Value of a Jacob’s Jeweler’s Coin

The 1890 Store Jacob’s Jewelers Closed the last day of January 2023.

On the day following the closure of Jacob’s Jewelers, a store that has been in Jacksonville since 1890, I received from a person I did not even know, a bronze-looking “Jacob’s” token.  On the front, it has an engraved diamond symbol with the words, “Jacobs” at the top and at the bottom in circular fashion, “Fine Jewelers since 1890”.  On the back it has the logo  and words, “Member of the Fine Jewelers Guild” and in circular fashion, “Redeemable against any purchase of over $100* Twenty  Five Dollars”.  So, my new friend, who sent this,  gave me a token now worth far more than $25 since it now is certainly a collector’s item. Thank you new friend, Sandra J. D.  

I had been online reviewing items people collect in Jacksonville and a person posted that she had some coins and willing to give them to interested people. People can be nice.  She mailed one to me free of charge and I even asked to pay.  When she wrote “No need to pay me, I’d rather see them go to someone whom likes these, I promised to “pay it forward” and I will.

The envelope was sent with her name at top on the left and the coin tucked into a nice plastic, clear-faced coin container.  Grateful.  At the moment it sits prominently in my den so I can see it.

I visited Jacobs Jewelers  last month after learning they were relocating and talked with Roy and Delores Thomas who bought Jacobs Jewelers in 1968.  The building where Jacobs Jewelers is located at the corner of Laura and Adams is where our now-famed Jacksonville clock sits.  The Greenleaf Building was bought by JWB Real Estate.  Apparently, the old clock which had once sat at the old Jacob’s Bay Street  location would remain a Jacksonville landmark and icon since the Thomases donated it to the city some years ago.   It is a  15 foot tall Seth Thomas clock and supposedly only one of the two left in the world. It is iconic in that people still “meet at the clock” and taken photos at that Laura and Adams location. That’s a story for another day.

  The Thomases initial thought was they would relocate Jacobs Jewelers but as time went on, they changed their thinking and decided to “retire”.  I think that both with beautiful grey hair,  will find that their kids and grandkids will probably love the time they will be able to spend with them.  The current signs in the windows say “Retirement Sale”. They moved the “Moving Sale” signs after their wrestling with moving the location vs retiring to a new life after over fifty-five years.

Looking from the outside of the store, it’s difficult to see if the business is open. It’s dark-looking going in but when inside, the beauty of the merchandise was stunningly brilliant.  There was in all of the glass cases beautiful jewerly of every kind including, watches, rings, bracelets and throughout the store their were other items on shelves and tucked in corners and cabinets.  I went during the Christmas season and found it full of seasonal decorations including at least 2 Christmas trees.

The 132 year old store has had a great run in Jacksonville.  There are a lot of different stories telling of it’s great beginning on Bay Street and now it comes to a close leaving the 208 N. Laura Street address at the corner of Adams Street.

It will be missed as will Roy and Deloris Thomas but they will be cashing in their tokens for full value in a new life.

See you tomorrow,
