February 4

The Journalist in Me

Sometimes I think I missed my calling.  While in graduate school we were told to get an interview in a place that if we could choose to work, we would seek employment.  My choice was the Florida Times Union.  In my mind…If I could have any job in the world, it would be a reporter/writer/photographer for the Florida Times Union.  I made an appointment with an editor and sat in her office for about an hour  at 1 Riverside Avenue( now demolished-2022) discussing the possibilities.

One case of many journals.

I never pursued that job and for almost 40 years loved being a teacher, administrator and for a few years, adjunct professor at UNF teaching a teacher’s course.  Looking back, I was so happy in the education field.  On the side and in my free time, I  spent hours photographing, writing and publishing stories.  That continues to this day.  There has always been a journalist inside of me even as a youngster.

Having an interest in writing causes one to save stories, old documents and collect memorabilia related to writing. My files are many and it is a constant thing to keep up with what has been collected such as unique items, pens, pencils, letters, documents, photos, old newspapers and the like.  There are five things that are especially unique that I’ve saved over the years:  1.  Two authentic bound huge newsprint books from the early 1920 Florida times Union years. 2.  A collection of vintage, old and rare ink pens.  3.  Unique historical items, letters, documents, related to America and her people including Presidents, Royalty and Rosa Parks; a personal favorite.  4. Literally thousands of photographs. 5.  Jacksonville stuff in general.

There is no way of knowing how differently my life would be if I had gone the path of a newspaper girl but I am grateful that I got the life of both.

Still, I wonder what life I would have had as a full time reporter? In the meantime,  I’ll see you tomorrow as I report from the sidelines.

See you tomorrow,
