January 11

The Cemetery and Battle of Blight

Since a visit to the Old City Cemetery on East Union Street, I realize there is a focus by the government of Jacksonville to improve the cemeteries in the city where rot and decay resides.  There is though more than one battle of blight where the dead are concerned.

Tomb stone 1885-1932

Trying to research the history of the oldest downtown cemetery has piqued my interest and now comes an online map shared by Kelsi Hasden about the whereabouts of another old cemetery near downtown Jacksonville. After looking up  St Nicholas Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery on the City Council agenda, I see it’s one of the Black cemeteries getting distinction of being another of the old burial cites and will receive monies provided to improve it. I wanted a closer look. By its name, It was probably a plant by Bethel Baptist from downtown Jacksonville in the 1880’s. Bethel and First Baptist began together in 1838, and was the first Baptist church in the city. Both Black and White members worshipped together.

Military stone with cross at the top


This morning, I set out to find this southside church and cemetery.   The cemetery was once under the care of St. Nicholas Bethel Baptist Church at some point was enclosed with fencing such that unless you know it’s a cemetery, its just a place of broken cement and where roaming feral cats and the possible homeless frequent.  While there, I saw broken stones when peeking through the fence and multiple cats as well as a homeless bag-pack. I did not open it.

Feral cat among many

Using the map provided on the January 5th blog of “The Jaxson” write-up, I was able to go right to the location and photograph the remains of the remains.  While looking through the view-finder on my camera I saw a tabby cat, grey Russian blue type and a solid black cat.   Living beside an apartment complex and frequenting the dumpster area seemed like a good thing for them. They all appeared full and healthy but ran when I reached towards my camera to zoom closer.   

The grounds are completely grown up with wood rot, tree growth and thick brush. Beneath all of that were broken tombstones, cement slabs and obvious lack of care for the dead.  The two stones that I found intact were difficult to read but I was happy to see the cross boldly engraved at the top.

Florida Memory. com offers a document of the founding of this church to be 1880, located on “San Diego Road, 1/2 mile from Kings Avenue, South Jacksonville, Duval County.”

Florida Memory.com church doc

At that time this was a white building which was moved to the present site, and remodelled in 1917.  It does not say from where it was moved unless it was closer to the cemetery? The present church is slate blue. The pastor is Carl C. Patterson according to the sign out front.

St Nicholas Bethel on San Diego Road

The pastor at the time was J. C. Christopher serving from 1880-1885.  It looks as though the city of Jacksonville will allocate funds in order to help get the graveyard cleaned up which will allow respect to be paid to the interments.  There appears to be both military and civilian graves in the area.  This will be no small job but kudos to the City Council for approving this project. Its current address is 2602 San Diego Road so there is a lot more than a cemetery clean up. There is the history to ponder.

See you tomorrow,
