January 13

Three Miracles Already in This New Year

Two things and then three miracles.  I don’t know how God works but wow and you’re just not going to want to believe these stories but you decide. Here goes in order.

First, our Dad’s home was built in the 1960’s. As a result, everything is not “code”.  It’s not perfect,  first because my Dad built it and he in himself worked outside of the box. (Literally in this case.)   This week, there was water outside of the home in an unusual place thus the problem was a need to have the septic tank pumped which was promptly done.  When the guy came to pump it, he told me the septic tank should not be this close to the house, that people should not ride over the drain field and that a new lid was needed.    I explained that because we recently had a barn built and had to pull a permit that they “grandfathered” the septic tank in due to the situation and it was approved having worked well for over 60 years.  Over time, we  knew that regardless, we would certainly do what we could to upgrade so we immediately squared off wood 28 ‘’ x 35” and bought the cement for creating a new septic tank lid including rebar to secure safety.  Meanwhile, since all of the walkway brick had been pulled up,  the guests in the apartment needed a nice and most importantly, safe walkway for coming in and out.  The day of the clean-out, we put a temporary entrance but I was not satisfied regarding safety so in the next days there were plans to make a safer and more sturdy walkway.

After leaving the house, and while taking home a worker,  I was driving and saw a large piece of about 4 inch in thickness wood on the side of the road.  It was a really nice walkway about 4 x 6 feet in size.  A mental note was made of its location but I was tired and still had to take the worker to his home so on I went.  After dropping him off with it raining and me being totally exhausted, I almost did not go back to look at the walkway but instead forced myself to go return… Good thing too.  The walkway was going to be perfect. In the rain, it was heaved-ho into the back of the truck.   Miracle # 1.

That same day, after leaving my daughter and son-in-laws home, I saw a nice table on the side of the road.  It was too heavy for me to lift so I asked my kids to drop by on their way out and help me get it.  While we were there, the worker who was riding with them was looking through the other items left and grabbed a small drawer.  They came with me to the barn where we would off-load the table.  I said in passing that I had lost the key to my riding lawn mower.  The worker said, “Hey, I found a little drawer on the side of the road today. It has keys in it.  Maybe one will fit your lawn mower.  He tried the first and then the second, the third and in a total shock, the fourth key turned the lights on and then cranked the Craftsman riding lawn mower. The odds?  Miracle # 2

I’m sorry to say, but this worker has not been honest and has stolen a circular saw, drill and battery, and a metal cutting saw from us.  We, even he is well-aware of the whole debacle but we have needed his help and after discussions have kept him while being on the watch of his behaviours.  When he cranked the lawn mower, and found a key that worked, he handed over a key to me.  Naturally, I was in such shock that it fit, I had to try it myself.  The key did not work.  He had given me a key that did not crank the mower.  In hind-sight, was it so he could later come remove the lawn mower or an accident? I say the latter but… you decide but in our mind it was “Miracle # 3” that the key was tried and found not working so that success could occur later and the lawn mower not be stolen.

How does God work?  BTW, we’re trying to help the worker find God so maybe there will be a Miracle # 4. Pray with us.

See you tomorrow,


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June 30

Jacksonville; Our Fair City

I love, love, love this city.  Being born here  in Jacksonville, Florida and living my entire life here except for my short time in college at Florida State University and a month with my sister in Hepzibah, Georgia, I know nothing else.  I’ve enjoyed  traveling to different and various places, visited the Queen and now King in London but there is nowhere I’d rather be than in this beautiful city of Duval County with its St. John’s River and magnificent trees such as highlighted on the Southbank at the Treaty Oak site.

My church is here where I love to serve. My immediate family is here and with that, I am set for life.

See you tomorrow,


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April 7

12 Stones of Crystal Springs

Symbolism… ” The idea that things represent other things”. In Israel, the twelve stones represented the remembrance of “God’s faithfulness, providence and love every time they would look at the stones”. There were twelve tribes of Israel so each stone represented each tribe.

The scripture says, “Joshua set up the twelve stones that had been in the middle of the Jordan at the spot where the priests who carried the ark of the covenant had stood. And they are there to this day.” Joshua 4:9. That event occurred when Israel passed over the Jordan river to enter the Promised Land. Each stone was for each Tribe of Israel, such as one stone was for the Tribe of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin.

Our family has been so blessed and so this Easter time, twelve stones were placed at the entrance of our chapel area at Vaughan’s Homestead in remembrance of God’s faithfulness and providence.

These stones; bricks were those that were put on this property when our home was being built in 1960. Our stones are named: Alec, Geneva, Ronnie, Nan, Daniel, Katie, Ramey, Vaughan, Sargent, Derrick, Kristie and one for the extended family as a whole.

May we all be found faithful and when we look upon the stones, realize that God is our fortress and strength.

See you tomorrow,


March 19

“The Wages of Sin is Death”

I don’t remind myself enough that God’s Holy Word says, “The Wages of Sin is Death”.  There are so many ways in which this is true.  It is not only so that we would die physically because of poor choices  but things in our lives that were living and thriving die because of the bad choices we make.  That is why people go to court, to detention, to jail. That is why relationships die or thrive.  That is why people have good or bad credit; a good name or a bad name.  That is why people are trusted or not, hired or fired, honored or dissed; loved or hated.  One way in which we live, we perpetuate life or because of poor choices, death.

Sammis, 1887

John Sammis wrote in 1887 these words:
When we walk with the Lord 
in the light of his Word, 
what a glory he sheds on our way! 
While we do his good will, 
he abides with us still, 
and with all who will trust and obey. 
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way 
to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. 
Not a burden we bear, 
not a sorrow we share, 
but our toil he doth richly repay; 
not a grief or a loss, 
not a frown or a cross, 
but is blest if we trust and obey.
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way 
to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. 


We want the living in our lives.  We must make the choices in our lives that the things of God thrive and live within our person and on our time on this earth. This will occur because we simply “trust and obey the living Christ”. 

It is true in my own life that death came because of a poor choice I made here or there.  Over the years, I look back at bad choices that I have made and behind them are the deaths of something as a result.  This is my life and there is no reason to tell of my wrong-doing and there are too many instances, Lord forgive me but…this morning, I remember and will choose this day whom I will serve. It will not be the evil one.  It will be the “I Am”, the Creator of all, the Lord God Almighty.

Then in fellowship sweet 

we will sit at his feet, 

or we’ll walk by his side in the way; 

what he says we will do, 

where he sends we will go; 

never fear, only trust and obey. 

See you tomorrow,


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January 15

Surely The Two Met in Heaven

The famed evangelist, Billy Graham preached his first sermon at Bostwick Baptist Church in Palatka, just south of Jacksonville, Florida in 1937.   Only the year before, in 1936, Ralph Eddins would be born in Billy Graham’s home state of North Carolina.  Both Northcarolinians, Graham and Eddins would have a passion to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and “be the kind of man my child wants to see”.  Graham, a generation before Eddins spent his entire life traveling the world, meeting the most famous, wealthy, prominent and distinctive people in the universe using his influence to spread God’s message of grace.

Graham was an 18-year-old college student “with knocking knees and four borrowed sermons” who preached at the Bostwick  Baptist Church to about 40 congregants on Easter Sunday weekend in April of 1937.


Ralph Eddins was not yet one year old but God had a plan for him just as he did for Graham.  Billy Graham would go on and preach to millions world-wide and often referred to his first opportunity to share the Gospel at Bostwick.  Eddins would go forward, end up in Florida, marry Helen, have three children and impact the lives of many far and wide in his own time and place.  He would end up in his son, David Eddin’s church at Bostwick just as Graham began there.

Ralph Eddins had his home-going service at Bostwick Baptist Church where his eldest son is now pastor. The Senior Eddins, for almost six decades would proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ telling in serious fashion about God’s grace, forgiveness, mercy and eternal promises.  His son, David also, following in his Father’s footsteps is now at Bostwick Baptist proclaiming that same hopeful message.  At his Father’s “celebration”, the young Eddins spoke of his Dad’s love of God’s Word and his determination to share it.  He spoke about his Dad’s gifts of carpentry and matter-of-fact attitude and how he woke up every day happy with “heaven on his mind”.  

Jason, David, Helen, Ralph, Joyce(Photo: Sharon Greenbarg)

David’s son, Nathan also spoke and having been called into the ministry himself, was influenced by his Grandad’s diligence in living out the Gospel of Jesus.  He too reminisced about his grandfather being a man of his word, being of strong opinion and never wavering.

From the Bostwick pulpit at his home-going, his daughter told how her Father was “dogmatic, outspoken and opinionated” while always faithful to his calling. Tommy Brown, long time friend and a pastor from North Carolina spoke as well and told of Eddins’ influence on his life.

Eddins was honored with a church full of those who came to celebrate his new life in heaven.  There was grieving but not for him. His youngest son, Jason wept for his loss but said he was confident of his excitement waking in heaven.  Eddins’ decades of service through the years would be continued by family and friends as eternity was on the mind of all who came to celebrate his life.  

As Pastor Tommy Brown put it, “Well done though good and faithful servant”.  At Billy Graham’s funeral, the same was said of him.  Surely the two met in heaven and indeed with Jesus.

See you tomorrow,


December 21

Jacksonville- “Doing The Most Good”

Don’t we all want to “Do The Most Good”?  While shopping at Publix, “Where “Shopping is a pleasure”, I met up with Dell after putting a meager amount into the kettle. ( “Every penny counts”, of course). Actually, while walking completely past her and almost to the car,  realized I had some bills in my pocket so I returned to give.  She was so happy to have a donor and smiled with great action and verbal gratitude.

The kettle has been around since the 1890’s.  Back in that day, a captain had seen someone drop money in a kettle to help the poor. He took the idea for his own and today it is a staple of this organization especially at Christmas.

The Salvation Army was founded by William and Catherine Booth in east London.  The movement spread by way of many of its followers of the faith, one being Eliza Shirley who verbally begged the founder to allow it to go to the USA.  Through a turn of events and with a team of 8 including George S. Railton and seven ladies, it was brought to America. 

The Salvation Army has been in Jacksonville since 1891, a time when the streetcar era was making way to welcome the railroad boom.    Only a little over 10 years earlier than the beginning of the Salvation Army’s start on the East Coast, came Henry Plant’s introduction of the street car.  This then,  moved toward his railroad” intro  into the city.  This very act made it possible for great amounts of movement, travel, growth and development in and around the city of Jacksonville.  This new growth brought a need for an organization of hope, giving of resources and a heart for the homeless and destitute.

The Salvation Army’s mission statement reads:

The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and o meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

  • The Salvation Army of Jacksonville provides the following services:
  • Social Services
  • Towers Center of Hope
  • Towers Center of Hope Housing for Men
  • Red Shield Lodge Shelter for Single Women and Families
  • Pathway of Hope Program
  • Holiday Assistance

If you have a heart for this mission statement, you might be interested in taking part in this ministry and do more good.

See you tomorrow,

Sources:  Florida Times Union, Google Search, Salvation Army

December 1

Christmas Trees- Day 1

FBC 2021

Christmas has been a tradition at First Baptist Church Jacksonville for many years. The First Baptist Church of Jacksonville began in 1838, with a handful of people, both Black and White, seeking to serve God. From 1838 until the 1861-Civil War, the church developed and grew having several locations over the years in which to worship.  During Civil War times and the Indian Seminole war there were months on end that the church was not even functioning in a group setting so it is unknown if the church decorated their facility in any way.  We now have some understanding of this type of situation having gone through the Pandemic beginning in 2020 and not meeting for months and months.  Though the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic from March 8 and into the 2021 Christmas season,  the First Baptist Church did not meet in person.  There were some decorations however because a lot was done online and the podium area was prepared for online worship. Decorations were limited by those who went to the church to perform online services. We are still seeking information and history on the traditions of the Baptist Church in Jacksonville. We hope to have more information over time.

FBC- 2022

From the 1960’s until the present it seems the church had a Christmas Tree in the building at some location.  Over the years, the dining hall has definitely been a place of great decoration, color and beauty.  For years and years Sunday School classes would have their Christmas parties at the church  in one of the divided areas and there would be great fanfare and decoration.  Throughout the building for years, beautiful Nativity scenes and the like would be in departments throughout the church. Classrooms were decorated by the members of each class and there was no end to the beautiful and creativity of people who loved the Lord.

Season upon season the church facility was decorated by Virginia Ennis, a faithful member and owner of Gladwell’s Florist. Wreaths, streaming greenery, Christmas trees, ornaments, Nativity scenes depicting the Christ-Child and lighting were seen throughout.   For many years this was the way First Baptist decorated the church.

There have been many seasonal traditions through the years including the decoration and lighting of the tree, giving to missions in a wooden manger and the “Chest of Joash”, the traditional pledge card/giving day.

Decorating the church has been important concerning seasonal celebrations at First Baptist Jacksonville.  In recent years, staff, leadership and lay members have been decorating and this year was no different.  “Serve Day” was used as a way to allow members to take part and many Christmas decorations were set up.  It is unclear when the first tree was decorated at the church but for sure, the birth of Christ has been front and center.

This year’s tree is at least 20 feet tall with the songs of the seasons framed and hanging .  Go see it. It will not disappoint.

See you tomorrow,

Sources: Personal interviews, Personal experience, Buddy Wall, church historian, [Idea about a tree a day came from the editor of the Daily Record, Karen Mathis].

Visit-First Baptist Church- 125 West Ashley Street , Jacksonville, Florida 32202

November 17


It is unclear if I was searching for God or if I had a new-found determination to know Him. Somewhere about 1960-something, I walked the aisle at the Woodstock Park Baptist Church, which at that time was located on St. Clair Street in Jacksonville, Fl.  Interesting to note that the church moved in 1997  from St. Clair to Crystal Springs road on a 10 acre plot exactly next to our home. We had moved from the Woodstock Park area about 1960. 

The church pastor who welcomed me into the fellowship was Harold Cushing and it was then that I had an experience of new life in Christ.  The expression of the Christian faith is often said in this way; “I accepted Jesus in my heart” and I did.

From that time, I had convictions that I had never known and the realisation that there was indeed an eternity and that I would one day see Jesus face to face.  Yes, I believe that even today. No, I have not lived the perfect life but yes, I live forgiven daily as I depend on His Holy Spirit for strength, power and understanding.

Geneva Vaughan, missions

For many years, we remained at Woodstock Park Baptist Church and both of my parents served faithfully.  My Father was a deacon and my Mother worked in various positions at the church and as listed in the 1964 Church Directory, she was on the missions committee.

Woodstock on St. Clair

When my parents bought the 10 acre plot on the Westside of Jacksonville about 8 miles from Woodstock Park Baptist we continued to attend the church until we joined Macedonia Baptist on Fouraker Road to get involved in the neighborhood church. It seems I was about 10 years old.

It was so interesting in 1997 when Woodstock Park Baptist Church moved right next to our home on Crystal Springs Road.  They purchased the land and built a big, beautiful, white church with office buildings and all.  Our family never returned to join the church, although my niece was pianist there for a bit.  In my Father’s older age, he visited a few times by simply walking across his property line to the churches transom.  Full circle.

In 2019, Woodstock Park Baptist ended up in the hands of Hillcrest Baptist Church and there was a name change. It will alway be Woodstock Park Baptist to me though.

In my adult life, I attended Westside Baptist Church and then joined the First Baptist Church, the fellowship of my grandparents, Clifford and Lula Long. Again, full circle.

My life would have been very different without Christ. I’m thankful for the change. I’ll never be the same.

See you tomorrow,

Sources: Brochure- Jason Whittkopp

August 24

Live For Jesus

My Mother died at the early age of 49.  She was born a twin, October 20, 1924 and died September 5, 1974.  I was attending Florida State University at the time and came home for a visit when my Mom couldn’t stay awake.  We took her to the St. Luke’s Hospital  which was on 8th Street at the time and she never returned home.  It was a devastating loss for all of our family.

My Mother was a true Christian.  John MacArthur has a comment about a “true Christian” and my Mother exemplified his statement.

“I’m going to give you a description of a Christian.  

It means that we trust His wisdom beyond all other wisdom.  It means that we believe that everything that He says and everything that is said in the Bible about Him is absolutely true and anything that contradicts any of it is wrong.  

It means that we desire to know His thoughts above all thoughts as supreme.  It means that we long to hear and obey His Word over all other words.  It means that we give Him our lives now and forever, we entrust Him not only with our time but with our eternity, believing firmly in a person and a reality that we have never seen, but the testimony of Scripture is sufficient to verify.  It means we obey His commandments with joy.  

It means we love Him supremely and we love people who love Him and we even love people He loves who don’t love Him.  It means we give our lives to proclaim His gospel, the gospel of salvation.  To say that Jesus is Lord, which is the Christian confession, is to say that we accept Jesus as our absolute authority and source for all that is true.  It means that we desire always to do what pleases Him, though we fail.  

It means we fear Him, we worship Him, we obey Him and we proclaim Him above all others.  To confess Jesus as Lord means that no area of our lives is unaffected by our relationship to Him.  Our relationship to Him defines what we think. It defines our attitudes, it defines our emotions. It defines what we say.  It defines how we act in every area of life.  Our relationship to Him pervades all our being.  To confess Jesus as Lord means that we trust His purpose for our lives and we trust His utter, sovereign control over all aspects of our lives including our failures and our successes, our blessings and our sorrows, our sickness and even our death.  

To confess Jesus as Lord means that we count Him as the source of all that is good and all that is right and all that is blessed, and therefore He is to be thanked for everything.  To confess Him as Lord means that we believe that He created and controls the entire universe, that He has pre-written all history so that it is directed in its course toward perfect fulfillment of His intended desire when He re-wrote…when he pre-wrote it.  

To confess Jesus as Lord, to be a Christian, means to give our souls to Him, our bodies to Him as living sacrifices, our minds to Him, our time to Him, our abilities to Him, our money to Him, our prayers to Him.  It means to dedicate our children to Him and to pray that everyone we know may love Him the way we love Him.  

To confess Jesus as Lord means to give our lives in service to Him, fellowship in the church, to engage ourselves in ministries of all kinds to the honor of His name and the spread of His gospel.  

To confess Jesus as Lord means that we are willing to live for Him no matter what it requires, and if asked to die for Him with an affirmation of His glory on our lips as our life leaves us.

We have never seen Him but we talk to Him every day.  We have never heard an audible voice, but He speaks to us through His Word every day.  We haven’t seen His face, He is to us invisible and His Kingdom is not material.  And even the heaven He promises to which we look we have never visited, nor has anyone else who can tell us about it.  Only two apostles had a glimpse and struggled to explain what they saw.

You ask about what it means to be a Christian?  That’s what it means.”

—John MacArthur 

My Mother lived for Jesus every day. She was a great example of what it means to be a Christian.

See you tomorrow,