April 26

Brookview Elementary School # 206

10450 Theresa Drive

Brookview Elementary School was opening in the fall of 1962.  The first principal of the school was Nannie Paul Thomas.  She served from 1862 until 1968 followed by Mary S. Button(1968-1969), Kenneth Wing( 1969-1976), Mae Belle Braddock(1976-1978), Doretha Haynes (1979-1986), Estelle McKissick (1986-1989), Mark Cashen(1989-) and others.   The current principal is Tracey Kendrick.

Duval Public school online photo of Brookview School.

According to the school history, the faculty desegregated in January of 1970 “due to a court order”.   In 1972, the student body desegregated using the bussing of students.   According to this record, “ to further achieve racial balance, black student in grades one through five , were bussed to Brookview from Susie Tolbert and R. V. Daniels. Meanwhile, Sith graders from Brookview were transported to Susie Tolbert.” 

In 1972, according to the record fifth grade students from Brookview were “moved to Arlington Annex”.    Exception Education classes were added in 1973 and “a self -contained class for emotionally disturbed children was a part of the program until 1975.  Kindergarten classes began in 1974 and in 1989 preschool classes were added with “preschool handicapped begin added in 1991. Title I reading and Chapter I teacher were added in1976 and 1982 with a computer lab added in 1984.

The school history includes information of the major construction in 1989 and grounds improvements in 1994.

Over the years, the school has won awards such as the Little Red Schoolhouse award in 1985 and the School of Distinction award in 1990.

See you tomorrow,


Sources:  While some school histories are non-existent, others are simple and with basic information. This school history was very detailed and comprehensive.  This history was from the Brookview school: The Duval County Schools, Jacksonville, Fl. No author’s name was on the document.

This information including “Ramey photos” may be used with credit to Ramey Collection. Photos may be 3rd party for which may be secured by copyrighted owner. 

If you believe you are a copyright owner or can help with information regarding this article, including to clarify rights or information issues, please contact me. We are willing to remove any item from public view if there is any concern regarding ownership. 

April 19

Edward H. White High School #248

Edward White School opened in 1971 as Paxon High and Forest High school had an overflow of students.  It served students 10-12th grade.  According to the Duval County information, in 1991 there began changes in “junior high” status creating a four year pattern in schools then offering 9-12th grade.

Photo: NASA

The Duval County history of Edward White indicates that this was one of the first schools to offer Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corpts (NJROTC).  

Photo: Duval County Public Schools

The school was named in honor of astronaut Edward White.  Edward H. White II in June of 1965 was the first spacewalker.  White was born November 14, 1930. He graduated from Western High School in Washington, D.C. and from United States Military Academy in 1952.  He continued to further his experiences and education and in 1962 was selected as an astronaut walking in space in June of 1965.  After earning a degree from the University of Michican he was given a honorary Doctorate in Astronautics from the University of Michican in 1965. In 1967, he died in a flash fire on Pad 34-A  at Kennedy Space center and was buried with full military honors.  He is buried at West Point.

Photo: WikiCommons Public Domain

See you tomorrow,


Sources:  Duval County School Edward White, Wikipedia Commons, NASA, Google Search, personal visit to the school.

This information including Ramey photos may be used with credit to Ramey Collection. Photos may be 3rd party for which may be secured by copyrighted owner.

If you believe you are a copyright owner or can help with information regarding this article, including to clarify rights or information issues, please contact me. We are willing to remove any item from public view if there is any concern regarding ownership.