August 25

Don’t Tread On Me Flags and Tags

The Honorable Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis was in Jacksonville, Florida to congratulate and encourage those who won conservative posts in the August elections.  He and Marco Rubio spoke at a rally at the Diamond D Ranch where hundreds came to celebrate the wins of those seeking true freedom.  

Press office of the Governor of Fl

Signs posted and held by guests all over the campus named both politicians, DeSantis, and Rubio, Keep Florida Free and one other said, “Don’t Tread on Florida” depicting an opened mouth gator.  The poster with an open mouthed gator which said, “Don’t Tread on Florida”, is a take on the coiled rattlesnake flag “Don’t Tread On Me” which dates back to the America Revolution in 1775.

After 3,000 are sold, these will be offered in the tag office

Florida was and has been a beacon of freedom with policies from the Governor’s office especially during the pandemic of 2020.  His policy outcomes turned out to be correct as documented by the numbers.

So, Don’t Tread On Florida,

See you tomorrow,

August 25

Little Cowboy Leads the Way

The Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida Rally held at the Diamond D Ranch began with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag from a young cowboy.

Young cowboy in prayer before pledge

He lead the group in the pledge with hand over heart and hat on his chest:  I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”. And the crowd went wild! God bless America. 8-24-22

See you tomorrow,