February 10

David Scott, Moon Rover Driver Visits Jax

He was a Colonel in the United States Air Force and awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the NASA Distinguished Service Medal.  He was a fighter pilot, test pilot and astronaut. 

On January 20th, David Scott sat with his wife and daughter, at the front section of the Florida Times Union Center listening to the co-founder of Apple Computers, Steve Wozniak.  We were in the room when his name was announced and he was asked to stand.  The crowd went wild as he waved to the elite group.

Scott was the 7th person to walk on the moon according to NASA.  His first flight was as a pilot along with Neil Armstrong on Gemini 8.  He was one of a few who flew into space on several missions and was commander of Apollo 15. 

After the speaker’s forum was over and Apple founder, Wozniak had left the stage, I told my daughter I’d meet her at the entrance of the building.  I wanted to get a few photos and possibly meet Scott. As quickly as possible, I weaved through the out-going crown and stood beside the Astronaut, now 91 years old.  A man had already gotten Scott’s attention and basically took over a great amount of his time. There was a line waiting to talk to Scott and then his wife and daughter began to encourage him to go into the aisle.  While I did not shake his hand, we met eyes and I was able to get a few photos.  To my surprise, my daughter was behind me clicking away as well.

We both followed he and his family out of the room and as he turned to go left, and as he turned to look right for passage, my daughter, Kristie Cross reached out and he shook her hand and gave her a kind greeting. “Just the simple shaking of the hand of the man who drove the first rover on the moon is enough to bring about a surreal feeling”. She said.

It was another good day in Jacksonville, Florida. Jan. 2024

See you tomorrow,


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May 4

The Coronation: Thrones and Traditions

Westminster Abbey is where the Coronation had occurred for the last 900 years according to the United Kingdom website.  It is a “solemn and religious” occasion the site says and has been pretty much the same for all of these years. The ceremony is conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Royal Archives photo

According to protocol, the new Sovereign takes his or her position as the King or Queen immediately after the loss of the former Sovereign. In the case, when Queen Elizabeth II died, her son, Charles became King.   After a period of mourning, the new King or Queen will celebrate with a coronation and crowning event. In this case it has been months since the loss of QEII and now, the celebration.   This ceremony will be “rooted in longstanding traditions and pageantry” according  to the Royal UK site.

Royal Throne of England. Royal Archives photo

“By tradition, ceremonial chairs and thrones will be used for different parts of the coronation event.  The most significant chair will be the “Coronation Chair”. In that seat the new King will sit and receive his crown. The first coronation of King Edward II used the Baltic Oak chair which was made over 700 years ago.  Their Majesties from this event, King Charles and  Queen Camilla Consort, will use the St. Edward’s Chair. There are different thrones and each have its own story such as that of George VI and Queen Elizabeth’s throne.  Now King Charles will have his name engraved on the use of a throne as well. Also, needlework is a part of the stitching of the cloth which is a significant task.

This is quite an event for the ages. It has not occurred since Queen Elizabeth  II was crowned Queen of England and she served over 70 years. 

London will have the Coronation on Saturday May 6th and for several days following, lunches, parties and concerts across the Commonwealth will occur.

See you tomorrow,


Two scriptures about kings… God is the absolute Sovereign. He appoints kings for the earth.

Blessed be the LORD thy God, which delighted in thee to set thee on his throne, to be king for the LORD thy God: because thy God loved Israel, to establish them for ever, therefore made he thee king over them, to do judgment and justice. 2 Chronicles

“And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:” Daniel 2:21

Sources: Royal Archives photos, Royal. uk website information, King James Bible online.

May 4

The Royal Coronation Coaches

According to the Royal Collection Trust, the Gold State Coach was “designed by William Chambers and made by coach maker Samuel Butler”.  This carriage has been used for every coronation since William IV’s in 1831.

Royal Collection Trust / © His Majesty King Charles III 2023

The Royal Coronation Coaches

According to the Royal Collection Trust, the Gold State Coach was “designed by William Chambers and made by coach maker Samuel Butler”.  This carriage has been used for every coronation since William IV’s in 1831.

While it looks like gold, it is actually giftwood, a thin layer of gold leaf as described by the Royal Trust Collection.

It has painted items on it including three cherubs on the roof representing England, Scotland, and Ireland.

oyal Collection Trust / © His Majesty King Charles III 2023

Queen Elizabeth II rode in the coach in 1953 at her coronation and again it appeared as part of the Platinum Jubilee Pageant in 2022 according to the Royal Trust site.  It is said that Queen Victoria did not care for the coach even though it is the 3rd oldest UK coach behind the Speaker of the House of Common’s coach of 1698  and the Lord Mayor of London’s coach built in 1758.

Royal Collection Trust / © His Majesty King Charles III 2023

This coach will carry King Charles and Queen Camilla to and from the ceremony.

See you tomorrow,


May 3

Defender of The Faith

The Coronation Oath

Atop the regal crown stamped across the top of the Coronation invitations is the Cross of Christ in Christianity.  Queen Victoria of the House of Windsor and Queen Elizabeth II leaned Protestant and kept the faith of Christ a priority during their reign.  Queen Elizabeth said on many occasions that she  was of the Christian faith and in a Christmas messages understood her calling and actions would be held as a “personal accountability before God”.  

This crown with the cross of Christ is being offered on the Royal website for children to color.

According to the Guardian news organization “ Charles shares his mother’s faith and devotion, though it has a slightly different complexion”. Queen Elizabeth offered Christian messages yearly in her leadership as the Queen of England. In them she spoke of her devotion for Christ.   While Charles is said to have that same commitment, he also has interest in other religions which causes concern for the Monarchy leadership regarding “the Faith”.

In 1994, he “triggered controversy when he said he would be defender “of Faith” rather than Defender of “the Faith”,  wrote Harriet Sherwood of The Guardian . Although he tried to back-track on his comments and explain himself, many are concerned he could change the coronation oath.

In looking at this topic on Defender of the Faith, many are interested such as, PremierChristianty, Religion News, the Gospel Coalition, Christianity, Express, National Secular Society, the Conversation, the Washington Post and more.  They are all wanting to see where the new King is going with the powerful words, “faith”, the Faith”.

Hebrews 3:12 offers a serious warning to all of the faith:  Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God.

See you tomorrow,


Sources:  The Guardian, Washington Post, Gospel Coalition, Royal News , https://. bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Falling-Away-From-God

May 2

Flat Stanley

Flat Stanley is such a great friend!  You can take him anywhere and it makes you so happy to do so.  Flat Stanley, the book was written by Jeff Brown and published in 1964.  It’s interesting to note that until Flat Stanley became a classroom star, Brown did not publish any further works until some 2 decades later, he published a series of books and by mention from Wikipedia had sold over a million copies by 2003.

In the first edition published by Harper and Row(1964-1985), the story tells about the adventures of Stanley as he is pressed flat by a bulletin board.  He does the best that he can being flat by traveling and having great fun.

Flat Stanley in London-2009 ( Ramey Collection).

Teachers far and wide have had their students create Flat Stanley’s and have gone on field trips, had them go on trips and take their Flat Stanley and more.

My Flat Stanley has been many places including Buckingham Palace where I’ll take him again during the coronation.

See you tomorrow,


May 1

King Charles III Letter By Correspondent

Those able to enter the Abbey must have received this….

Well, no disappointment. I won’t be sitting in the Abbey during the coronation of King Charles Philip Arthur George’s ceremony. While I did do all I could to secure a magical seat, it has now been confirmed by the King’s correspondent T. Lundy from Buckingham Palace, that I am still invited to either watch the broadcast “live to a global audience” or go in-person to see “their Magesties” as they “return to Buckingham Palace in a larger ceremonial procession, known as the Coronation Procession, which will be viewable….along the route”.  

My family and I have decided to take the latter and go there.( No pun on latter… Ha! I took a 6 foot ladder to see Prince William and Kate. And, yes… I’m trying to figure this out too…)  Together, Daniel, Katie, Derrick, Kristie, Kathy, Ramey and I will get to see the golden carriage with our own eyes!  Yes, they say it’s painted in real gold. How fun.

And, let me say.  My hope for King Charles Philip Arthur George is that he reigns with Jesus as his Lord, Savior and King. There is no higher Majesty than Him.  May He reign seeking God’s favour.

See you tomorrow,


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April 30

Eyes Upon the Royals

Seeing Queen Elizabeth in person in 2007 was a pleasure and then again in 2001 when Kate married the future King of England, William.  There she was in her gold carriage bumping along with horses-a-pulling.  I really wondered then how much she enjoyed that ride because it appeared so bumpy. I suppose watching all of the watchers was her most fun part of the trip.  There I was on a 6 foot ladder that I had brought from America. Actually, I had two ladders; the large one and a smaller kitchen-type whereby the top would round out and you’d just plop upon it.  

Will and Kate after the wedding. 2011

My sister and I went to the edge of Buckingham Palace to get the royals coming in and out of the gate.  The girls, Katie, Kristie and friend, Rachel went to see the “kiss”.  Yes, after me getting ribbed all a long about carrying a ladder, they took that one.  “Bawwwwww!”. We were able to see so many things including the Queen and her husband, Philip.

Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Philip.

That was a great day in all of our lives as we saw first-hand the wealthiest of people sporting for the “folks”.  It is God who sets up Kingdoms.  While we think we’re all in charge of things, it is clear from God’s Word that ultimately, He is in charge.

My sister, Kathy and I went  to the funeral procession of Queen Elizabeth II.  We are now up for the coronation coming in May, 2023.

Long Live the King and Flat Stanley. I took him to Buckingham Palace and he’ll go again to the coronation.

Flat Stanley at Buckingham Gate 2011

See you tomorrow,


April 29

 Royal Mail With the First Ever New Cypher

The King of England has chosen for his cypher a crown with pearls with a Cross at the top.  The cross is aligned to the cross of Jesus in Christianity. I do hope he lives out that faith all of his days as King.

Buckingham Palace News announcing the Kings new cypher- 2023

Beneath the gold crown is a large C and R with three strikes.  The large C represents “Charles”.  The R represents “Rex” which means “King”.  The three strikes are representative of him being King Charles III.

Long live the King and may he live for Christ all of his days. I hope you will pray for him.

Oh! I forgot to tell you… I got my own copy of the cypher today in the mail. More details coming!

See you tomorrow,


Sources: Buckingham Palace news, Press Releases

April 28

The Regal Visits of Royalty to America

The Royal Family information notes that King George III(1738-1820)  was the eldest son of Frederick, Prince of Wales, and Prince Augusta.  He was the longest ruling monarch before Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II according to History.  Com.  He reigned for some 59 years and was the king who was during the loss of the American Revolution.  In his papers is a writing that says “America is lost”.  It is noted by PBS that the Revolutionary War lasted some eighty years because King George would not surrender.

“America is Lost!” (United States Government papers).

While some indicate King George III had a vision of coming the the United States, the actual first king to come to America was in 1939 when King George VI, according to Senate. Gov. 

King George VI, (Public Domain, portrait by Walter Stoneman, 1938).

Ticket to see King George. (Government documents).

Queen Elizabeth II visited America the first time in October of 1951 according to congressional information.  Present Harry Truman met “the future Queen” on the Washington National Airport tarmac. Other viists according to the White House Historical Association include “four State visits, five State dinners and two unofficial visits during her reign”.  

Queen Elizabeth, William and Mary College. ( Ramey)

I was able to see the Queen when she visited William and Mary college in 2007.  That was a memorable occasion.  After she left, I walked on stage and sat in her seat, just for the fun of it.

See you tomorrow.  


Sources: Senate. gov, Congressional papers, Wiki commons.

April 27

Jacksonville’s Buckingham Palace

According to the Royal. Uk website, Buckingham Palace has “served as the official London residence of the UK’s sovereigns since 1837”.  It was built in our around 1703 but has served the Royals for many years as the “Queen’s House” where she and dignitaries from all over the world meet.  I guess this year, it may become the “King’s House” as King Charles III will be crowned.

Buckingham Palace, Royal Photo

In the late 1800’s in the Jacksonville, Florida area, Osceola, the Seminole Indian leader was captured near St. Augustine and taken to the Fort. Also happening in and around 1837 was the formation of the First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, also known as Bethel.

Just above Jacksonville, on Amelia at that time the lighthouse, Florida’s oldest began guiding ships along the shoreline.  State Supreme Court Justice Jamie Grosshans spoke at the River Club in 2021 and explained that those forming our state were putting together the Florida Constitution was written and adopted by 1838.  

There are no buildings in and around Jacksonville that compare to the massive Buckingham Palace with its 775 rooms and yet we have our own great administrative building such as the St. James.  It began as the St. James hotel in 1869 and was burned in the Great Fire of Jacksonville in 1901.  It was rebuilt after the fire and reopened in 1912.  It was one of the largest buildings at that time. According to Wikipedia, the St. James hotel could lodge some 500 guests and had a laundry area, barbershop, telegraph desk and place for concerts.

St James Hotel turned Jacksonville City Hall(Photo- Fl Memory)

The 117 West Duval Street place was purchased by the City of Jacksonville, Florida in 1993, remodelled it and reopened in1997.  Today it serves as the Jacksonville City Hall. 

There are no coronations there and yet this month in our city, we will elect a Mayor whose office will use our St. James Building.  This month in London there will be a coronation of the King of England where he will continue to use Buckingham Palace as a residence and place to bring together leaders of the world.

I’ll take some pics while I’m there during this event and share them when I return.

See you tomorrow,


Sources:  Jaxdailyrecord . Com, Wikipedia, Personal visit to the both sites.