December 20

Christmas Time in Restaurants-Day 20

This tree is in the Fruit Cove Loop Restaurant located on State Road 13 North. There are 10 Loop Restaurants in Jacksonville, Florida. The very first Loop opened in 1981. There are Loop restaurants in Florida and North Carolina.

On their website they write “We’ve gotta whole lotta love.” The Loop is known for juicy hamburgers and tomato bisque soup.

See you tomorrow,

November 23

Everything’s Bigger in Costco

We’ve all heard that “everything’s bigger in Texas” but it’s that way in Costco too.  Did you know that COSTCO stands for “China Ocean Shipping Company”…It is owned by the Chinese government and its headquarters is in Beijing. (BTW- The “J” is Beijing is hard not soft when you say it). Everything from televisions, cookies, pies and cakes to a peanut bag; “everything’s bigger”.

If ever you had to feed a large crowd for Thanksgiving, it would be a must to go to Costco and shop.  The pies are huge. The cakes are huger. ( Is that even a word?)

Tonight, I was in Costco looking for the large bag of “Thinsters”, a coconut-chocolate cookie.  They had the large bag and at a reasonable price. While I was there, I just noticed everything including the grocery buggies were bigger.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.  Oh, and you can get a large hot dog for only $1.50. Bargain, ya’ll and it’s big too! (Some say we should be concerned COSTCO is so big in America. Your thoughts?)

See you tomorrow.