August 25

Jacksonville Votes To Give the Government Even More Money?

“What?”  Again, shaking my head, there is great amazement that people vote for the government who already basically owns them, to get an even stronger hold on their money by voting  yes for a tax.  My Father was a wise man.  He said, “NEVER” vote for a tax. If the government really needs money they will take it from you anyhow and then you’ve given them more by voting yes on a tax.  Never vote for a tax increase. Never.”  So, I was one of the 81,602 or so who voted “NO” for the government to raise my taxes. 

nraila photo grab

Yes, Teacher’s should be paid better. Being an educator for over thirty-five years, this is something I know first hand. Giving the government another penny though…. NO!  Better use of the money they have could make this happen without raising property taxes.

The only thing I can think is that Jacksonville people have a heart for teachers which of course is a good thing but it appears they are going about their care for educators without thinking the DCPS already has an almost $3 billion, with a “b” budget!

According to local news reports, voters in Duval County voted to give the government even more of their money by passing the 1 mil property tax increase. This would be in an effort to help Duval County Public Schools pay better money which could attract better qualified teachers.  Duval County Public Schools could better spend the $2.6 billion they voted for in August of 2022 to get and keep better teachers.  From now on… always vote NO on a tax increase. (Ask me how I really feel about this.) 8-25-2022

See you tomorrow,

Tags: , ,, Vaughan Publishing, Jacksonville , Fl Copyright © 1953-2024. Feel free to share any of my photos with credit to Ramey Collection.

Posted August 25, 2022 by Jacksonville Blogger in category "Business", "Finances", "Schools

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