August 24

Live For Jesus

My Mother died at the early age of 49.  She was born a twin, October 20, 1924 and died September 5, 1974.  I was attending Florida State University at the time and came home for a visit when my Mom couldn’t stay awake.  We took her to the St. Luke’s Hospital  which was on 8th Street at the time and she never returned home.  It was a devastating loss for all of our family.

My Mother was a true Christian.  John MacArthur has a comment about a “true Christian” and my Mother exemplified his statement.

“I’m going to give you a description of a Christian.  

It means that we trust His wisdom beyond all other wisdom.  It means that we believe that everything that He says and everything that is said in the Bible about Him is absolutely true and anything that contradicts any of it is wrong.  

It means that we desire to know His thoughts above all thoughts as supreme.  It means that we long to hear and obey His Word over all other words.  It means that we give Him our lives now and forever, we entrust Him not only with our time but with our eternity, believing firmly in a person and a reality that we have never seen, but the testimony of Scripture is sufficient to verify.  It means we obey His commandments with joy.  

It means we love Him supremely and we love people who love Him and we even love people He loves who don’t love Him.  It means we give our lives to proclaim His gospel, the gospel of salvation.  To say that Jesus is Lord, which is the Christian confession, is to say that we accept Jesus as our absolute authority and source for all that is true.  It means that we desire always to do what pleases Him, though we fail.  

It means we fear Him, we worship Him, we obey Him and we proclaim Him above all others.  To confess Jesus as Lord means that no area of our lives is unaffected by our relationship to Him.  Our relationship to Him defines what we think. It defines our attitudes, it defines our emotions. It defines what we say.  It defines how we act in every area of life.  Our relationship to Him pervades all our being.  To confess Jesus as Lord means that we trust His purpose for our lives and we trust His utter, sovereign control over all aspects of our lives including our failures and our successes, our blessings and our sorrows, our sickness and even our death.  

To confess Jesus as Lord means that we count Him as the source of all that is good and all that is right and all that is blessed, and therefore He is to be thanked for everything.  To confess Him as Lord means that we believe that He created and controls the entire universe, that He has pre-written all history so that it is directed in its course toward perfect fulfillment of His intended desire when He re-wrote…when he pre-wrote it.  

To confess Jesus as Lord, to be a Christian, means to give our souls to Him, our bodies to Him as living sacrifices, our minds to Him, our time to Him, our abilities to Him, our money to Him, our prayers to Him.  It means to dedicate our children to Him and to pray that everyone we know may love Him the way we love Him.  

To confess Jesus as Lord means to give our lives in service to Him, fellowship in the church, to engage ourselves in ministries of all kinds to the honor of His name and the spread of His gospel.  

To confess Jesus as Lord means that we are willing to live for Him no matter what it requires, and if asked to die for Him with an affirmation of His glory on our lips as our life leaves us.

We have never seen Him but we talk to Him every day.  We have never heard an audible voice, but He speaks to us through His Word every day.  We haven’t seen His face, He is to us invisible and His Kingdom is not material.  And even the heaven He promises to which we look we have never visited, nor has anyone else who can tell us about it.  Only two apostles had a glimpse and struggled to explain what they saw.

You ask about what it means to be a Christian?  That’s what it means.”

—John MacArthur 

My Mother lived for Jesus every day. She was a great example of what it means to be a Christian.

See you tomorrow,

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Posted August 24, 2022 by Jacksonville Blogger in category "Faith", "Family

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