July 23

The Church Must Step Up for the Homeless

This issue is not a partisan issue.  Lives are truly at stake no matter the party line.  It is really time for the Church of Christ to step in and be a part of the help in this serious issue of souls.  The problem is more than being physically without a home, food and a place to lay their head. It is truly about salvation.

Leonardo da Vinci produced The Last Supper between 1495 and 1498, which is the most well-known religious painting. Jesus taught his disciples to go forth and teach the Gospel.

The struggle of the homeless is real.  In most cases, their bodies rage for need of the drug of their choice. This rage drives them to their homelessness.  They need help to get off of drugs, opportunities to work, places they can go for mental health, clothes, showering, transportation, and a great many other things. There is only ONE solution and that is God, who has power over every stronghold.  Homelessness and what gets them there is a serious stronghold.

Permission was given to take this photo of a homeless woman who has been on the streets for about a year.This photo was taken about 8:30 am. It had rained heavily during the night.

Jacksonville’s Mayor Donna Deegan said, “In every community conversation I’ve been to over the past year, one of the things I heard most often was the need to address homelessness.  With that feedback in mind, our 12-point plan makes progress on this significant issue and complies with HB 1365. Our goal is to build safer neighborhoods and make homelessness a rare, brief, one-time occurrence in a person’s life.”

A homeless man took me in the neighborhood camp to see this make-shift home.

The Church has THE answer to solve this problem.  No “free” homes, “free food”, “free anything” will solve this issue.  It is a matter of the heart and the Church has the answer to deal with the heart.  “Speaking through the prophet Jeremiah, God said, “My wayward children . . . come back to me, and I will heal your wayward hearts” . God also warned, “Your wickedness will bring its own punishment. Your turning from me will shame you. (Jeremiah 3:22 NLT- Copied)

Jesus said that the poor would always be with us but  that there are blessing when any of us give even a cup of water in Jesus name.  The church could and would really make an impact in this up and coming effort to deal with this serious issue.

If every church in Jacksonville would take on simply one aspect to help the homeless in their area of town, great inroads could be made to saving the lives of so many.  Please pray that the Church will take on this task. It is not an easy task but it is a necessary one.

Things the Church could do and with every single mission, offer the Gospel of Christ which is able to save:

Church Ministries

Bible Lessons, Church Services, Clothes Closets, Food Pantries, Job Opportunities, Shower Stations, Skill Training. ( With every single dealing with the homeless the Gospel must be shared. That is what saves.That is what changes a soul.)

“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again. “Proverbs 19:17

“If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother”  Deut 15:7

“He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor.” Prof 14:31

“He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.” Prov. 28:7

See you tomorrow,


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Posted July 23, 2024 by Jacksonville Blogger in category "Churches", "Faith", "Government", "Health