July 25

Gravely Hill: A Cemetery on Florida Flat Land

As would be expected when I heard that the 5th President of the United State’s son, Jame Monroe had once lived in Jacksonville, I had to find some evidence. It has always been of interest to me to know famous people who have graced our city.  Elvis Presley never lived in Jacksonville, but he stayed often in a home in the Murray Hill area.  The esteemed preacher and evangelist, Billy Graham spent many occasions in Jacksonville as he preached the Gospel of Christ and even had his doctors here at the Mayo hospital. I photographed him in the once-called “Gator Bowl” and saw him on our Jacksonville newscasts visiting places in our city.  Rosa Parks came to Jacksonville on at least two occasions where I met her and she invited me to sit beside her and tell how I broke my arm which was in a cast at that time.  There have been many well known visitors who have spent time in our fair city and so to read that a former president’s son had actually spent most of his life here, it was certainly worth detailing.

After reading through a number of stories online, I set out first to find his grave which was found in a cemetery on the westside of the city.  Sandy Strickland, a former writer of the Florida Times Union newspaper had written an article “Gravely Hill is a Cemetery within a Cemetery”.  Using that as the basic information, “Maps”, provided the address and a trip to the old cemetery dating back to at least the 1830’s was found literally inside the fence of Riverside Memorial Cemetery’s chainlink fence.  The sign reads “Gravely Hill Cemetery Historical Landmark, NOTICE Any alterations or work performed on these premises must have authorization by M. Weeks 904-268-1934”.  Another sign indicated the property was being maintained by the City of Jacksonville.  I learned that the 200 acres of Riverside Memorial Park Cemetery had built its cemetery around the Gravely Hill cemetery.  Sandy Strickland named her article precisely that. 

Walking through the lawn-cut grounds, I read the names on the stones such as Price, Hogan, Bramlitt, Pacetti, Lauramore, Hills, and of course, there was the grave of a James Monroe flanked by an American flag. On the tomb stone there is no birthdate but only his day of passing.

According to online information from Ann  Parkinson, the Concordia Sentinel, October 30, 2009 has him listed as the “oldest Confederate veteran of the American Civil War” at 133 years, 11 months, 24 days at death”.  , Monroe says he was born on the 4th of July in 1925. That would have made him 133 years upon his death in June of 1949.  Tim Gilmore, a Jacksonville enthusiast wrote in his article “If James Edward Monroe were 133 years old when he died, then he was 22 when, in 1837, Steven Eubanks stated in his will that he wished to be buried beside “the grave of my departed mother in the burial ground on my plantation called Gravely Hill.”

According to sources such as Gilmore, James Edward Monroe was a wanderer and could have been found removed by the police for squatting in the Riverside area during his time in this city.

After reading and researching for a time, there is no real evidence to indicate that J. E. Monroe lived from 1815-1949 except that its on actual official records and on a stone in Gravely Hill. According to a 1926 Associated Press article, he was a major in the military, fought under the command of General Robert E. Lee and there is a  post card with the words “Major Edward Monroe youngest son of President James Monroe, 110 years old July 4, 1925. Jacksonville, Florida.  ( Find a Grave, James Monroe photos)

Photos from the Find a Grave site: Jacksonville Journal photo, a post card, Pres. James Monroe, Elizabeth, the President’s mother (which is said the Jacksonville Monroe has among his belongings.)

Monroe, The 5th President of the United States is listed as being born April 28, 1758 and died July 4, 1831.  He was known as a statesman,  lawyer, diplomat, President from 1817-1825, and the last of the Founding Fathers. According to White House records, he and Elizabeth Kortright had three children:  Eliza(1786), James (1799) and Maria ( 1802).  There is no mention of a James Edward.  So, did he live to be 133?  Was he the youngest son of the 5th President of the United States? 

See you tomorrow,


Sources:   Sandy Strickland , “Gravely Hill is a Cemetery within a Cemetery, The Florida Times UnionMarch 12, 2018,). Tim Gilmore,Gravely Hill Plantation and Graveyard, , December 7, 2018., Find a Grave photos, Find a Grave. Com, James Monroe, White House . Gov.  

July 24

Dr. Thomas Perley and Part of His Legacy

Empire Point is located along the St. Johns River and was at once time part of the 385-acre Reuben Hogans land grant of 1808. There, along the river is a wine cellar, brick and beautiful. According to author Tim Gilmore, the bricks on the old cellar at the end of the 4615 Empire Point Road culdesac in the 4615 Empire Point Road once belonged to the original Perley Place homestead. On a website the Top Ten Real estate  Deals, the story is written that Dr. Thomas F. Pearly purchased the land “overlooking the St. John’s River atop Empire Point”.  

Grandson, Ramey standing in front of the Perley cellar at Empire Point

Not long after he built his home there, the Civil War broke out and he was called to duty as a Confederate colonel serving in the medical field.   In 1868, after the war, Perley sold the property.  At some point the house burned to the ground and all that was left was the tunnel which was connected to a brick vaulted wine cellar. Beneath the ground was found a granite corner stone bringing the history alive.  If you visit the area today, to left of the refurbished wine cellar is the cornerstone dated about 1858. The property was purchased in 1993 and rebuilt the home with as much authentic care as possible.

Thomas F. Perley was appointed by Surgeon William A. Hammond to the position of Medical inspector.  ( AMEDD Center of History and Heritage,  Part V “ From the commencement of the rebellion to the present time”. Act.armey.mil)

According to Cera Web Design the wine cellar is “the only privately owned, pre-Civl War wine cellar in the United  States” still standing. 

Many contend the road is private but there is a sign at the end of the road honoring the Perley homestead.

See you tomorrow,


Sources: Top Ten RealEstate Deals, Where Real Estate is Never Boring, 2024, Tim Gilmore, Empire Point: Perley Place and Wine Cellar, March 2, 2016, Cera Web Design, Perley Place, Build on History, Accessed  online 4-23-24

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July 23

The Church Must Step Up for the Homeless

This issue is not a partisan issue.  Lives are truly at stake no matter the party line.  It is really time for the Church of Christ to step in and be a part of the help in this serious issue of souls.  The problem is more than being physically without a home, food and a place to lay their head. It is truly about salvation.

Leonardo da Vinci produced The Last Supper between 1495 and 1498, which is the most well-known religious painting. Jesus taught his disciples to go forth and teach the Gospel.

The struggle of the homeless is real.  In most cases, their bodies rage for need of the drug of their choice. This rage drives them to their homelessness.  They need help to get off of drugs, opportunities to work, places they can go for mental health, clothes, showering, transportation, and a great many other things. There is only ONE solution and that is God, who has power over every stronghold.  Homelessness and what gets them there is a serious stronghold.

Permission was given to take this photo of a homeless woman who has been on the streets for about a year.This photo was taken about 8:30 am. It had rained heavily during the night.

Jacksonville’s Mayor Donna Deegan said, “In every community conversation I’ve been to over the past year, one of the things I heard most often was the need to address homelessness.  With that feedback in mind, our 12-point plan makes progress on this significant issue and complies with HB 1365. Our goal is to build safer neighborhoods and make homelessness a rare, brief, one-time occurrence in a person’s life.”

A homeless man took me in the neighborhood camp to see this make-shift home.

The Church has THE answer to solve this problem.  No “free” homes, “free food”, “free anything” will solve this issue.  It is a matter of the heart and the Church has the answer to deal with the heart.  “Speaking through the prophet Jeremiah, God said, “My wayward children . . . come back to me, and I will heal your wayward hearts” . God also warned, “Your wickedness will bring its own punishment. Your turning from me will shame you. (Jeremiah 3:22 NLT- Copied)

Jesus said that the poor would always be with us but  that there are blessing when any of us give even a cup of water in Jesus name.  The church could and would really make an impact in this up and coming effort to deal with this serious issue.

If every church in Jacksonville would take on simply one aspect to help the homeless in their area of town, great inroads could be made to saving the lives of so many.  Please pray that the Church will take on this task. It is not an easy task but it is a necessary one.

Things the Church could do and with every single mission, offer the Gospel of Christ which is able to save:

Church Ministries

Bible Lessons, Church Services, Clothes Closets, Food Pantries, Job Opportunities, Shower Stations, Skill Training. ( With every single dealing with the homeless the Gospel must be shared. That is what saves.That is what changes a soul.)

“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again. “Proverbs 19:17

“If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother”  Deut 15:7

“He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor.” Prof 14:31

“He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.” Prov. 28:7

See you tomorrow,


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July 19

The Homeless in Jacksonville. The Church Their Only Hope

The situation is bad; really bad.  At this time in the city of Jacksonville,  dating back to a rule  that went in effect February of 2023, people are banned from panhandling on street corners and drivers can be fined up to $250 for handing out even a bottle of water to a homeless person.  Those who voted for this ordinance say it is a safety issue but to those without a home, food and drink, it is a nightmare, as if they already don’t have one day-in and day-out in their lives.  They each one live that nightmare. Daily.   YES, it is their fault. YES, they have gotten themselves in this horrible condition but now what?

As of 2023, they cannot get money, food or drink by a hand-out.  You say, “Go to a shelter”.  How to find them?  How to get there? Are they open 24/7 or are the homeless to eat only once a week?  If given food, how will they carry it?  Where will they store it? The questions go on and on and on. 

It is my guess that 99% of the homeless are on drugs.  Their bodies rage with the need to satisfy a longing within.  They are seriously dependent on drugs. They cannot control this rage thus they beg, borrow and yes, even steal to solve this horrible addiction.  The city leaders’  response to this was to shut down their begging which leaves borrowing and stealing but the rage continues.  A drug addict cannot control his or her body. This is a serious problem; a devastating dilemma.  In truth, there is only one real answer:  God, and they curse him day and night.

Then people say, “Well, they should not have gotten in this situation”. Well, they did. Now what?  Another person may say, “Okay, get a job”.  How?  They are hungry, have no way to get clean, no clothes to look presentable for getting a job, no way to know where jobs might be, no transportation to get to the job interview if they could figure that out, no phone or communication,  and the problems continue.  And, most of their focus is on the basic needs that everyone has, to eat, and drink. 

These thoughts shared here are not to give the homeless a pass. No, it is to hopefully wake up the church, the Body of Christ to see that there is a mission field out that that is almost untapped.  The homeless are truly desperate not just for the necessities of life but for the God who created them and can change them.  At this point, any homeless I’ve met curse God and so often blame Him for their wayward behaviours.  

Now is the time for the Church to step up and make the difference.  The situation is dire and the stakes are high.  It is almost hopeless in truth.  The Church knows it cannot align with the government without the government controlling the church so there is that problem.  On the other hand, without the one true God, the homeless have no hope of true recovery.

The homeless  don’t have jobs. No they aren’t clean or upstanding pillars of the community but in fact they are desperate and if every church in the city of Jacksonville had even one ministry to help the homeless, lives could be saved and changed.

Here are possible Church Ministries to be considered and,  with every single one it should include a time of preaching and learning of God’s grace and glory.

Church Ministries

Bible Lessons, Church Services, Clothes Closets, Food Pantries, Job Opportunities, Shower Stations, Skill Training

There is so much the church could do to help the homeless. The time is now. The need is real.  If you’re a true Christian and reading this, please pray that the churches in Jacksonville will step up and meet a serious need in our community.  Talk to your church leaders and see what one thing each church could do.  The body of Christ is God’s hands and feet and they are so needed at this time in our city.

See you tomorrow,


He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.Proverbs 19:17

If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother:  Deut 15:7

He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor. Prof 14:31

He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse. Prov. 28:7

Sources: City of Jacksonville Ordinance, Personal experience with homeless, COSAC Foundation

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July 17

Letters Removed From the Top of the Wells Fargo Building.  Locomotive Still Beneath the Pilings

The tallest building in Jacksonville in 1974 was was known then as The Independent Life building at 535 feet.  It was confirmed again in 2024 by James Abrams an expert in attaching and removing huge business lettering when he talked about the now 2nd tallest building in Jacksonville.    Abrams was a part of the 2011 team that helped remove lettering from now-called 1 Independent Drive when the building changed owners. This is the 5th time the building will have letters removed atop this structure. 

The Dingman Family, 2017 Eclipse with iconic Jacksonville Landing Sign and Wells Fargo Building in the background.

Over the years, the names have been: The Independent Life, Accustaff, Modis, Wells Fargo and until the new owner, Argentic Investment Management LLC of New York City renames it, the structure will be known as 1 Independent Drive. (Daily Record, Wells Fargo Center tower and garages Downtown sold for $46.35 million, Karen Brune Mathis, April 24, 2024).

There is a lot of history with the structure over the years including when the grounds were being prepared for building back in 1971.  On a discovery walk with Gary Sass of Adlib Tours, we walked to the corner of Laura and Bay Street to learn that beneath this huge building lay still, a bonified locomotive which the contractors and owners of the day decided to leave.  Instead, they built pilings around the locomotive leaving the metal train.  A thirty-six-story building sits on top of a full-size locomotive in Jacksonville, Florida.  

Gary Sass with Adlib Tours (Photo: Visit Jacksonville).

According to an article by Ennis Davis, the large locomotive could easily be explained as the area was once near a train line confirmed by maps. The train connection was used to distribute goods and services to the city of Jacksonville.(A Locomotive is Buried Below This Skyscraper, The Jason, Ennis Davis, January 8, 2017). 

1504 Locomotive dates back to 1919 sat in parking lot of Prime Osborn for decades is a sample of an old locomotive. (Photo: Ramey).

Too in this city, there could be, buried in the bottom of a Jacksonville home owner’s junk drawer and on someone’s 1971 Kodak Instamatic X-15 camera film roll, a photo of a buried steam engine which lay deep beneath the 5th named Independent Life Building located at the 1 Independent Drive in Jacksonville, Florida.   It has yet to be revealed but maybe one day. 

When the Well’s Fargo lettering was placed on the building at the time it was re-named Wells Fargo,  James Abrams, sign technician, was one of those wearing a repelling harness to work with the bolts and attachments, in preparation for the changes back then. He said Dave Clark was a part of this team repelling on the side of the  535 foot high building on this occasion.  The owner of High Angel Services Jim Webster reported to Chanel 4 news that precision was important for the safety of all involved. The weather was clear, the wind mild and the crew professional.

Wells Fargo letters after being removed from the building 2024 (Ramey archives)

Abrams has been involved once again as I met him at the landing area located across from the Maxwell house Coffee plant where letters from the building were flown.  Two others heavily involved in the process of letter removal were Alexis Casul, and Kyle Roberson, all who work for Southeastern Lighting Solutions.  They were tasked with receiving each 1,500 pound letter by the vintage 1953 Sikorsky S-58 helicopter. ( Florida Times Union, Wells Fargo sinage comes down with help of 1958 vintage helicopter, Bob Self, July 14, 2024). 

Kyle Roberson, Alexis Casul, James Abrams of Southeastern Lighting Solutions (Photo: Ramey)

Kyle Roberson, Alexis Casul, James Abrams of Southeastern Lighting Solutions (Photo: Ramey)

There, the twenty, approximately 17 foot, tall, 1500 pound letters were brought after being removed from the once-named Wells Fargo Building on July 14th, 2024.  The huge letters were then prepared one at a time with a steel cables for each letter and hoisted far above the building.  The letters were then  flown by helicopter to the open area to be received by hand, one at a time.   As the helicopter hovered  over the men, the letters were hanging and with careful precision, each one was held by the helicopter cable, handled by the men, lowered to the ground and unattached by the waiting crew.

By Tuesday of that week, the men had detached the bright orange letter covers, removed all lights inside of the metal lettering and had them stacked on a flat bed truck ready to be recycled.

For now, the steam engine, confirmed by eye-witnesses back-in-the-day,  lay undisturbed since 1971 when the iconic building was built and named for an accident insurance company.  The naming rights of the building belonged to the then owner, Independent Life.

For now though, all we know for sure is that on Sunday, July 14, 2024 eye witnesses saw a helicopter hang at least twenty, 1500 pound letters swagging in the air removing them to make way for the next Independent Life Building owner, Argentic Investment Management LLC of New York City to have new lettering place atop the approximately 650,000  leasable square foot building.  ( Daily RecordHelicopter removes Wells Fargo signage from Downtown Jacksonville tower.

Oh, but if locomotives could talk.

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