January 13

Three Miracles Already in This New Year

Two things and then three miracles.  I don’t know how God works but wow and you’re just not going to want to believe these stories but you decide. Here goes in order.

First, our Dad’s home was built in the 1960’s. As a result, everything is not “code”.  It’s not perfect,  first because my Dad built it and he in himself worked outside of the box. (Literally in this case.)   This week, there was water outside of the home in an unusual place thus the problem was a need to have the septic tank pumped which was promptly done.  When the guy came to pump it, he told me the septic tank should not be this close to the house, that people should not ride over the drain field and that a new lid was needed.    I explained that because we recently had a barn built and had to pull a permit that they “grandfathered” the septic tank in due to the situation and it was approved having worked well for over 60 years.  Over time, we  knew that regardless, we would certainly do what we could to upgrade so we immediately squared off wood 28 ‘’ x 35” and bought the cement for creating a new septic tank lid including rebar to secure safety.  Meanwhile, since all of the walkway brick had been pulled up,  the guests in the apartment needed a nice and most importantly, safe walkway for coming in and out.  The day of the clean-out, we put a temporary entrance but I was not satisfied regarding safety so in the next days there were plans to make a safer and more sturdy walkway.

After leaving the house, and while taking home a worker,  I was driving and saw a large piece of about 4 inch in thickness wood on the side of the road.  It was a really nice walkway about 4 x 6 feet in size.  A mental note was made of its location but I was tired and still had to take the worker to his home so on I went.  After dropping him off with it raining and me being totally exhausted, I almost did not go back to look at the walkway but instead forced myself to go return… Good thing too.  The walkway was going to be perfect. In the rain, it was heaved-ho into the back of the truck.   Miracle # 1.

That same day, after leaving my daughter and son-in-laws home, I saw a nice table on the side of the road.  It was too heavy for me to lift so I asked my kids to drop by on their way out and help me get it.  While we were there, the worker who was riding with them was looking through the other items left and grabbed a small drawer.  They came with me to the barn where we would off-load the table.  I said in passing that I had lost the key to my riding lawn mower.  The worker said, “Hey, I found a little drawer on the side of the road today. It has keys in it.  Maybe one will fit your lawn mower.  He tried the first and then the second, the third and in a total shock, the fourth key turned the lights on and then cranked the Craftsman riding lawn mower. The odds?  Miracle # 2

I’m sorry to say, but this worker has not been honest and has stolen a circular saw, drill and battery, and a metal cutting saw from us.  We, even he is well-aware of the whole debacle but we have needed his help and after discussions have kept him while being on the watch of his behaviours.  When he cranked the lawn mower, and found a key that worked, he handed over a key to me.  Naturally, I was in such shock that it fit, I had to try it myself.  The key did not work.  He had given me a key that did not crank the mower.  In hind-sight, was it so he could later come remove the lawn mower or an accident? I say the latter but… you decide but in our mind it was “Miracle # 3” that the key was tried and found not working so that success could occur later and the lawn mower not be stolen.

How does God work?  BTW, we’re trying to help the worker find God so maybe there will be a Miracle # 4. Pray with us.

See you tomorrow,


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