July 17

Principal Blocker of Jacksonville

In the Basement of Bethel Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida classes were held in 1892.  Sarah A. Blocker was the instructor with the Reverend Matthew Gilbert and others involved in the programs.

Sarah A. Blocker, Public Domain, Library of Congress

The school was effectively born in 1897 when members of the Bethlehem Baptist Association began the Florida Baptist Institute in Like Oak, Florida.  At some point, the association under the leadership of Matthew Gilbert took a part of the group  to Jacksonville developing the Normal the Florida Baptist Academy. Classes were held in the basement at Bethel in Jacksonville, Fl.

Bethel Baptist, Jacksonville, Fl (Ramey)

From 1896 until about 1940 Nathan Collier presided as President of the school. There is also a Collier-Blocker Junior College in Palatka.  

Of the many teachers at the school over the years, Rosamond Johnson, a Jacksonville native and composer taught and during that time composed the music bearing the name “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing”.  From that poem his brother, James Weldon Johnson composed music and has been named by many the “Negro National Anthem”.  

Rosamond Johnson, Public Domain, Library of Congress

There have been many students to come out of this school including Eartha White, Howard Thurman, Harry Moore, and more.  

According to records, the school relocated to St. Augustine and occupied the “Old Hansen Plantation”, a 400 acre land area.  In 1918, it was renamed the Florida Normal and Industrial Institute and in 1942, it merged with the Live Oak school which effectively closed its doors. Again, the name was reworked being named Florida Normal Industrial and Memorial College in St. Augustine and yet again,  by 1968 a new campus opened with the name of Florida Memorial College moving to Dale County.  In 2004, the name was amended to be Florida Memorial University.  

Sarah A. Blocker was principal of Normal, Florida Baptist College in the 1900’s in Jacksonville, Florida.

See you tomorrow,


Sources: Wikipedia, Florida Women’s Hall of Fame, New York Public Library, UNF collections, Library of Congress.

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