June 29

The Jacksonville Ford Plant Demolished

After 98 years, it has finally come down to the fact that Jacksonville will no longer have need of the auto plant built in Jacksonville by the famous Henry Ford.  According to the Jaxdailyreocord, ELEV8 Demolition has taken down the old facility and the metal, steel and debris is all broken a part and mangled.  It was a long time coming but the Jacksonville City Council, Preservation Committee, Historical Society and more did all they could do to try to preserve this work of history but in the end, it will become a shipyard. According to Matt, a worker at a nearby site.

Today, I took a trip over to 1900 Wambolt to find just that- a totally dismantled and destroyed Ford factory with only the mangled steel beams distributed all over the 14.64 acre spot with old rivets showing.  Talking to one of the workers at Hall Construction Co., the old plant was basically put together by a machine that would  join the steel together tightly.  Almost 100 years ago that was amazing.  Generally speaking, a hole would have to be  drilled in the steel, a rivet placed in the hole and using a strong tool, a rivet connected holding two or more pieces of steel together.

We will keep you posted in the up-and-coming events related to this property.

See you tomorrow,


Jacksonvilleblogger.com, Vaughan Publishing, Jacksonville , Fl Copyright © 1953-2024. Feel free to share any of my photos with credit to Ramey Collection.

Posted June 29, 2023 by Jacksonville Blogger in category "Buildings", "History

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