April 30

Eyes Upon the Royals

Seeing Queen Elizabeth in person in 2007 was a pleasure and then again in 2001 when Kate married the future King of England, William.  There she was in her gold carriage bumping along with horses-a-pulling.  I really wondered then how much she enjoyed that ride because it appeared so bumpy. I suppose watching all of the watchers was her most fun part of the trip.  There I was on a 6 foot ladder that I had brought from America. Actually, I had two ladders; the large one and a smaller kitchen-type whereby the top would round out and you’d just plop upon it.  

Will and Kate after the wedding. 2011

My sister and I went to the edge of Buckingham Palace to get the royals coming in and out of the gate.  The girls, Katie, Kristie and friend, Rachel went to see the “kiss”.  Yes, after me getting ribbed all a long about carrying a ladder, they took that one.  “Bawwwwww!”. We were able to see so many things including the Queen and her husband, Philip.

Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Philip.

That was a great day in all of our lives as we saw first-hand the wealthiest of people sporting for the “folks”.  It is God who sets up Kingdoms.  While we think we’re all in charge of things, it is clear from God’s Word that ultimately, He is in charge.

My sister, Kathy and I went  to the funeral procession of Queen Elizabeth II.  We are now up for the coronation coming in May, 2023.

Long Live the King and Flat Stanley. I took him to Buckingham Palace and he’ll go again to the coronation.

Flat Stanley at Buckingham Gate 2011

See you tomorrow,
