April 23

Obsolete and Replacements

Basically, everything you see in the photograph here is obsolete. We’ve all seen it happen even in our own lifetime.  Some things we used to use are now unusable and… we’re shocked by it.( You can go see this room at the Greencove Springs jail. They won’t lock you in.)

Ramey is 9 and trying to get a grip on the Remington typewriter…

Here is a short list of things that are no longer, for the most part, used in our world today.

Cameras that point and shoot–  The cell phone has made the point and shoot camera obsolete. In fact, you’re hard pressed to even find a point and shoot and if you do, it’s a relic and collector item and very expensive to buy.

Fire Tools– Flint and rocks were once a fire tool.  Now, we have the match and lighter and a liquid click-lighter at that.  Buy a set of them at any Ace Hardware or Walmart in Jacksonville.

Floppy Disks-  The floppy was once the way in which to store your information, letters, documents, etc.  Now, they are also collector items and dust collectors in offices all over the planet.  You can find old ones at the Flea Market on Blanding Blvd. if you wish to collect.

Newspaper Adds and Sales–  While the newspaper is still in production, it is only a fraction the size of the newspapers of the  20th century.  Revenue is down and while newspapers are still printing, they are struggling to gain their readership even online because of the alternate opportunities.  Craigs List, Facebook, Twitter, Google and other online sources are siphoning off the newspaper’s business.

Opaque Projector–  Online, you can buy a “Lucy” that is similar to the opaque projector but it is for use with making an item larger in  order to draw it out.  The opaque projector was once used in classrooms all over to places words, documents and items on the wall for a group to view.  Film projectors are now used and the digital phone can set it all up for the viewer.

Phone Booths–  The corner phone booth was once a “must-have”.  Without a phone in hand, every person in the world needed a way in which to get in touch with someone when they were out-and-about or travelling.  You’re hard-pressed to find even a corner stand-up pay phone now-a-days.  If you do find one…. There is one off of Franklin Street in Jacksonville, Florida but it does not work.

Photo Labs– At one time, we would drop off our film to a one hour lab and return in 60 to get it. Now, we simply select, click and pay online.

Rotary Telephone–  The rotary telephone was once a mainstay in every home in Jacksonville.  Stick your finger in the round numbered rotary dial and go around…. Dial that number in the 1960’s was so easy… “Evergreen 81817” and say hello.  Of course, there was also the switch board operator at the Southern Bell who could place that call for you….”Number Please”, she would say. Occasionally, when the female operator was out, you might…not often but might hear a male voice.  

Time Piece-The hourglass was once the way in which time was told and now, we use a watch, clock and more useful, using digital numbers on our cellular phones.

Typewriter-At Evergreen Cemetery in Jacksonville, Florida, they still use the typewriter.  I noticed an IBM Ball typewriter there in the spring of 2023.  The manager of the office indicated that they need a quick card typed to place in specifically-sized space and the typewriter is faster and quick in that case. They type the information of the deceased on a small card to go in a vault and in the main drawer for keeping cemetery plot information.  Otherwise, the typewriter has basically been replaced by the computer and printer.

VHS Tapes– The home movie of the past, beginning in 1977 when they went on the market, was delivered on a VHS tape placed in a recorder to show on the television.  From Gone With the Wind to your favourite Disney movie, it could be all displayed and watched. Popcorn a choice….The DVD took over in1997 but VCR’s stopped its productions in 2016.  (If you do want a VHS for history sake, go to the Goodwill. The walls are full!) 

Quill-The pen, reed dip, fountain pen have been replaced by the ballpoint and refillable pen.  

There is so much more and I’ll up date over time.

See you tomorrow,
