February 23

French Explorer Made a Difference.  You Can Too. 

If you travel to Fort Caroline, near the mouth of the River, off the coast of Mayport,  in Jacksonville, Florida, you can see the Fort Caroline monument “,  Standing tall in the sand, it marks the spot on which Jean Ribault, became the first Protestant to set foot on American soil. The marker was unveiled “with appropriate ceremonies” by the Daughters of the American Revolution.  

1924 Jacksonville Journal. Photo O’Brien E. Watt via Ramey Collection

That same week, there were festivities throughout the city of Jacksonville to celebrate this obviously exciting event.  Gatherings and street parties were had with  a “most brilliant close” to the placing of this historic monument according to the Jacksonville Journal.  At the closing event held at the Mason Hotel Mason,  Mrs. W. S. Jennings  opened “with grace and charm”.  The  Honorable Mayor John T.  Alsop of the city, expressed his “pleasure at having in Jacksonville a distinguished gather and welcomed the guest.”  Also at the event was T. C. Imeson, chairman of the city commission, Dr. R. H Carswell, Mrs. Florence Murphy Cooley,  and others.  Mrs. James A. Craig thought it important to introduce her children and quoted Longfellow’s poem, “Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime and departing leave behind us footprints in the sands of time”.

I highly recommend that you take your families to see the monument and while you’re there remind them that they too can make a difference for Christ.

See you tomorrow,


Sources: Kingsley Plantation, Mayport documents, Jacksonville Journal, Personal visit.