February 10

Jacksonville Sheriff’s Mounted Unit

The Spanish conquistadors brought European horses to North America so we know that by the time Jacksonville, formerly called “Cowford” was established. Horses were a mainstay.  With great grasslands, and water sources, horses were in fields for growth and expansion as they adapted to their surroundings.

Current Mountain Police Facility

The city of Jacksonville police used horses dating back to 1822 when the first sheriff was James Dell.    When you think about the 1869 headquarters for McMurray Livery Sale & Transfer Company at 220 East Forsyth Street, you can imagine that horses were of importance in the early years of the sheriff’s department .   After the Great fire in 1901, another stable was built at that location and had a thriving horse business. 

Livery Stable on Forsyth Street (Ramey Collection)

Little is known of the policing efforts during this period but Jacksonville was getting well established by 1832 including setting up the government which included law and order.  By 1845, “all free males were to participate in evening patrol duty” so there had to be some mischief going on for so many to be asked to “participate”.

When the Civil War began, policing was done by the soldiers and so from about 1865-1869 patroling was under martial law which does not take away from the fact that mounted horses were used during this time by Union forces.  The automobile would not come to Duval County until the first month of 1900.

Florida Mounted Police ( Florida Memory photo).

By 1888 James Hoey was serving as Chief of Police. The mode of transportation was horse,  carriage and paddy wagon.   The bicycle was gaining popularity at that time but could people afford them?  The first bicycle squad for the Jacksonville police was in 1897.  

Florida Memory of a mounted police protecting Pres. McKinley.

In 1895 the first patrol wagon was used with 2 horses pulling. Also prominent during this time was the trolley and streetcars that ran on tracks throughout Jacksonville, Fl. Early  trolleys and street cars were pulled by horses.  Over time horses were replaced by motorized cars .

Current barn where horses receive care.

The first car to come to Jacksonville was on January 4, 1900. The Locomobile Stanley No.2 was purchased by Charles A. Clark.    It could travel 40 mph and had a steam-motor. It would take time for citizens to grasp the enormity of owning a car and also to pay for it thus the horse, buggy and on occasion the bicycle was  still prominent.  The Sheriff’s department was still using horses.

With the car gaining popularity, the police department of Jacksonville established a “traffic squad” for downtown streets in 1919. The department was growing and by 1926 the Liberty Street Police building was completed.  The automobile was replacing horse details and the change from mounted police and wagons to automobiles came after 1900 when Charles A. Clark, from Jacksonville ordered and had delivered the first car to arrive in Florida.

Charles A. Clark with the first car in Florida. (Florida Memory photo).

 The automobile would prompt changes in laws and ordinances and by 1903 the speed limit was 6 mph.   There were 32 cars in town at this time.  By 1905 there were a total of 166 cars autos traveling the dirt roads and some gravel streets of Duval. The population in Jacksonville was 28,429 at this time so transportation by and large was by horse and carriage.  Jacksonville was the largest city in Florida at this time. Financially, a horse was more cost-effective also.

In 1911 there were approximately 1,120 cars in the city. That year the police department acquired its first car.  Mounted police were still in use for the department.  Also, a “traffic squad” for downtown was established with the first traffic lights being installed in 1924.The horse would be less used as time went forward and the auto industry increased.

There is little mention of the mounted police for Jacksonville but there are references that indicate the use of the horse which was disbanded in 1911 to make way for the newer transportation options such as trolleys, streetcars, bicycles, motorcycles and the automobile.

Florida East Coast transportation.( Florida Memory).

The mounted police would return to Jacksonville in 1942 with little mention. In 1982 horses were used for crowd control, crime prevention and community engagement.  In 2012 there were 5 horses on the Mounted Police squad. Mayor Alvin Brown’s administration cut the budget for the program leaving the canine unit in place. Horses were taken from the West Duval Street location in LaVilla and moved to the Lannie Road prison yard also known as the Montgomery correctional Center and prison farm where there were acres of grass and room to live easy.   They were tended to by staff and inmates and received visits from their former riders.

At Super Bowl XXXIX, which was held in Jacksonville February 6, 2005 at Alltell Stadium the mounted police were used.

Sargent Rhoden-2023. (Ramey Collection)

In January 2020 Duke, the newest addition graduated from his training program. All of the police horses receive training and the riders work with the horses for continued focus.  

In 2022, when the Governor of Florida visited the Diamond D ranch, the mounted police were there more for a community service effort than for patrol.  However, should there be a concern, they were all ready to do their duty and provide security.    Guests were able to see their presence, and pet the horses.

Funding again was provided for the unit in 2021.  There are 6 horses in the current unit: Bandit, Midnight, Duke, Dutch, Jaxx and Judge.  Judge completed his training this year and was named in honor of Jimmy Judge a former police officer. Judge and his rider were at his memorial held for Officer Jimmy Judge in January of 2023. 

Tribute to Jimmy Judge (JSO Facebook page photo-2021)

Judge” is named after 30-year police veteran, Assistant Chief Jimmy Judge, who is currently battling ALS or more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Judge and his handler attended Office Judge’s home-going event in 2023.

Please help us in welcoming our newest member to the team. We hope you will say “hi” to “Judge” when you see him out and about in #Jacksonville.(JSO Facebook page-2021)

Current officers in the unit:  Sergeant B. Rhoden, Officer J. Alexander, Officer M. Bergo, Officer T. Dudley, Officer M. Reddish.

See you tomorrow,


Jacksonville Sheriff’s Mounted Unit

1076 West Duval Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32204

Sources:  James B. Crooks, Cowart, 1976 Annual Report: Dale Carson, J. Bailey,  Mounted Police visit.2-10-2023. Feel free to use all information with credit to “Ramey Collection”.

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