February 5

The Chinese Spy Balloon Could Have Drifted To Jacksonville!

When the, what was thought and was, a Chinese balloon, drifted across the United States beginning sometime about January 28th, 2023, the trajectory was unclear.  By Wednesday of the next week, we thought it could come Jacksonville way.  The Weather Authority trajectory indicated it would go across the Carolina’s which was a little above Duval County but who knew?

NORAD trajectory- Ramey Collection

The powers that be decided not to shoot it down over civilian spaces so they waited for it to travel over the Atlantic Ocean.  The huge weather-type balloon, they say the size of three busses began being noticed somewhere in Alaska. NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defence Command, Brigadier General Pat Ryder said on Thursday, February 2, 2023, “The United States government has detected and is tracking a high-attitude surveillance balloon that is flying over the continental United States”.

They indicated it was not a “military or physical threat to people on the ground at this time” according to General Glen VanHerck.

According to ABC News, a correspondent said the balloon was the size of “three busses and complete with a technology bay”.  It seemed to be without power when looking at it on television newscasts and seemed to drift with the jet stream moving eastward. I thought it was possibly coming our way. Who knew?

The balloon was said to enter the United States airspace in Alaska near the Aleutian Islands news reports posted.  As it floated eastward, and the Weather Channel posted a possible trajectory, I thought we may have a balloon in our sky in the coming days.

Chase Doak Photograph of Chinese Balloon

On Wednesday, February 1st, a freelance Montana photographer Chase Doak photographed the balloon and his photo went viral and is now used on Wikipedia.  ( That had to be exciting for him). He was a freelance photographer at the right place, at the right time and just did his thing….

Chase Doak Profile-Linked In

Tomorrow I’ll post a basic timeline of the event and no, the balloon did not come across Jacksonville way or to Jacksonville Beach . It ended up in the Atlantic Ocean though, up the way near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.    It was shot down on Saturday, February 4th by a F22 Raptor fighter jet.  The United States Military began recovery following that event.

It did not come here but, it  was still too close for comfort.

See you tomorrow,


Sources: ABC News, NOAA, RORAD, The Pentagon, Helen Cooper, Pentagon correspondent, Edward Wong, correspondent, Breitbart, Google, Personal viewing of news reports…

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Jacksonvilleblogger.com, Vaughan Publishing, Jacksonville , Fl Copyright © 1953-2024. Feel free to share any of my photos with credit to Ramey Collection.

Posted February 5, 2023 by Jacksonville Blogger in category "Government", "Military", "Random Posts", "Travel