January 1

Hope for Jacksonville in 2023

Visit Jacksonville’s” first line on Google Search is “Perfectly positioned in Northeast Florida, Jacksonville…”. I love this city. I love her skyline, the waterways, beaches, bridges, woodsy areas, clock, churches and history.   I love that the St. Johns river which runs right through the city is only one of a handful of rivers flowing North. (The Nile, Ob, Yenisey and Red river).  I love it that Jacksonville’s land area is one of the largest in the nation and that we are a Christian city. (We are if we will just live it out”.)

Jacksonville is also most known for its parks with the largest park system in the nation and its beauty.  What a beautiful city we have.  Recently, Forbes named Jacksonville, Florida as the 2nd best place to live in the United States.

Of course and certainly could be “the best”.

Jacksonville is considered a city of religious diversity with many faiths represented.  According to WJCTNews, Christianity accounts for 94.4 percent of the religiously identified population”. Faith matters in Jacksonville so with that said, I hope and pray that your 2023 year will be filled with God and His work in you.  If 94% of Jacksonville would just live out the gift God gave each person, this city could live peaceably before each other, reduce crime, improve our families, homes and community all in one year.  It is my God’s power and grace things happen, nothing we do “lest we boast”.

Let the Holy Spirit of God have His way in your life this year.  Live for Jesus.( And yes, you’ll err but go forward with apologies to God to do better). “There is none righteous, no not one”.

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” Romans 8:11

Source: bibleknowing-jesus.com. WJCTNEWS, Visit Jacksonville

See you tomorrow,

January 1

San Marco Theatre Closed Today

Talking about some history!  On the inside lobby of the San Marco Theatre stands a gazillion-ton masterpiece. (It’s huge!) (It’s heavy!). (It’s solid!)  That is to say also, there is what some call one of the best film projectors ever made.  It has been called a “cinographic treasure” and was used to project the movie to the screen. One can be purchased on eBay for upwards $3995. But the shipping fee? Hummmmmm.

Here is a quote from an almost 4 decade experienced projectionist about the Brenkert Light Projector:

“I am a retired projectionist (39 years experience) and prior to that, in the late 1940’s I was briefly employed at the Brenkert Light Projection Company (Or “Brenkert Light” or “BLPC” as we called it) in my hometown of Detroit (275 miles southeast of Petoskey!).

Yes (in my prejudiced opinion) the Brenkerts were possibly the BEST 35mm projector heads ever made in the U.S.A.”

The San Marco Theatre was built in 1938 about the time this piece of equipment was becoming well-known, loved and used in the movie industry.  Today, the one in the lobby stands as a testament to progress as the Brenkert was once the famed projector where now, a small computer along with a small boxed-size projector is used.

Over the years, the theatre has served Jacksonville well.  The Brenkert projector was the equipment that the famed Civil War movie, Gone With The Wind was shown using at its premier in Atlanta. I wonder how many times it was shown at the San Marco Theatre in Jacksonville?

The last movies shown at the San Marco was Love Actually and How the Grinch Stole Christmas.  While I was there yesterday, people were just walking in, looking around and talking about the loss of this iconic movie theatre.  One man said that he found it interesting that he moved back home to care for his ailing and ageing father who was the “ultimate Grinch” so he was a believer in the character of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

TSG bought the San Marco property in 2022 for $3.35 million from businessmen, Ryan and Jonathan Davis, Frank Sanchez and Andrew Oetjen.  The new owners indicated that they would leave the outside facade as is-Iconic.  I just wonder if the deal came with the Brenkert projector?

See you tomorrow,

Sources: film-tech. Com , Jaxdailyrecord, Robert Sprague- 1-1-23