December 31

It’s Okay To Cry. God Hears…

She was just sobbing, and not just sobbing.  Her face was buried in her hands and though I could not hear her weep, I knew she was in a serious cry. I could see the moisture being wiped away from her eyes and her beautiful black face was agonizing. I wish I had known her well enough to ask if I could come to her and let her tell me.  Tell me what though?  Obviously she had lost a loved one and she was writhing in pain from this loss. 

Today, I visited Evergreen Cemetery, the burial grounds of over 80, some say 90,000 souls. The trip was in an effort to get a birthdate for a story I’m working on. I knew the office had a vault that kept detailed records of internments so I was in hopes I could get a date settled in my mind and in addition, I could photograph the grave.  After going to the office, getting info about the grave area, I found the grave for which I came. A map was given me and the area was found quickly and in a short time, I was headed to check out other parts of this beautiful area.  It is a cemetery but a beautiful one.

After visiting several areas, I started out of the North gate rather than go back through the entire cemetery when I realized the North gate was locked; probably due to it being New Years Eve.

This caused me to round the back behind the mausoleum and there I saw this beautiful Black woman, probably in her 30’s sitting in front of a full area of graves rocking back and forth with her phone in her lap and hands on her face. She was crying and not a mere whimper.   I mean  she was grieving, crying and in pure lament.

I rolled down my window and asked if I could help her.  She nodded, “no”. Then I said, But are you okay?”  With a tearful cry, she moaned, “yes” and the full length of her fingers stretched across her eyes.   I said “Precious, I’m so very sorry”.  “ I just so sorry for your loss”.  “I will pray for you and may God bless and be with you”.

Worrying I might be overstepping, I slowly drove away.  I wanted to do more.  I wanted to say more but was it right for me to even say anything?  As I was photographing the front of the cemetery, I saw her car leave the gravesite.  I reached out my hands and fingers toward her and prayed in the Name of Jesus for His power and work to take place in her precious life.  He knows.  He heard her.

See you tomorrow,

Tags: ,, Vaughan Publishing, Jacksonville , Fl Copyright © 1953-2024. Feel free to share any of my photos with credit to Ramey Collection.

Posted December 31, 2022 by Jacksonville Blogger in category "Faith", "People", "Random Posts