December 14

Jacksonville Celebrates Christmas with Nativity Scenes- Day 14

It is believed that St. Francis of Assisi was credited with having the first nativity scene in 1223.  So, given that, the tradition of the manger scene is quite old and of course important in the world of Christian history.

Jacksonville, Florida is not considered to be in the Bible Belt but is “partially” so.  Florida’s neighbor, Georgia is in the Bible Belt and while Florida is not considered to be “in” the Belt, it is considered very religious.

According to a search on Google, Jacksonville is considered diverse with various faiths.  It also claims 94.4 % Christian.  With that said, to see Nativity scenes throughout the city is no surprise.

Today, I was on Lannie Road and saw this Nativity way out in the country.  It warmed my heart.12-14-22

See you tomorrow,