December 1

Christmas Trees- Day 1

FBC 2021

Christmas has been a tradition at First Baptist Church Jacksonville for many years. The First Baptist Church of Jacksonville began in 1838, with a handful of people, both Black and White, seeking to serve God. From 1838 until the 1861-Civil War, the church developed and grew having several locations over the years in which to worship.  During Civil War times and the Indian Seminole war there were months on end that the church was not even functioning in a group setting so it is unknown if the church decorated their facility in any way.  We now have some understanding of this type of situation having gone through the Pandemic beginning in 2020 and not meeting for months and months.  Though the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic from March 8 and into the 2021 Christmas season,  the First Baptist Church did not meet in person.  There were some decorations however because a lot was done online and the podium area was prepared for online worship. Decorations were limited by those who went to the church to perform online services. We are still seeking information and history on the traditions of the Baptist Church in Jacksonville. We hope to have more information over time.

FBC- 2022

From the 1960’s until the present it seems the church had a Christmas Tree in the building at some location.  Over the years, the dining hall has definitely been a place of great decoration, color and beauty.  For years and years Sunday School classes would have their Christmas parties at the church  in one of the divided areas and there would be great fanfare and decoration.  Throughout the building for years, beautiful Nativity scenes and the like would be in departments throughout the church. Classrooms were decorated by the members of each class and there was no end to the beautiful and creativity of people who loved the Lord.

Season upon season the church facility was decorated by Virginia Ennis, a faithful member and owner of Gladwell’s Florist. Wreaths, streaming greenery, Christmas trees, ornaments, Nativity scenes depicting the Christ-Child and lighting were seen throughout.   For many years this was the way First Baptist decorated the church.

There have been many seasonal traditions through the years including the decoration and lighting of the tree, giving to missions in a wooden manger and the “Chest of Joash”, the traditional pledge card/giving day.

Decorating the church has been important concerning seasonal celebrations at First Baptist Jacksonville.  In recent years, staff, leadership and lay members have been decorating and this year was no different.  “Serve Day” was used as a way to allow members to take part and many Christmas decorations were set up.  It is unclear when the first tree was decorated at the church but for sure, the birth of Christ has been front and center.

This year’s tree is at least 20 feet tall with the songs of the seasons framed and hanging .  Go see it. It will not disappoint.

See you tomorrow,

Sources: Personal interviews, Personal experience, Buddy Wall, church historian, [Idea about a tree a day came from the editor of the Daily Record, Karen Mathis].

Visit-First Baptist Church- 125 West Ashley Street , Jacksonville, Florida 32202