November 17


It is unclear if I was searching for God or if I had a new-found determination to know Him. Somewhere about 1960-something, I walked the aisle at the Woodstock Park Baptist Church, which at that time was located on St. Clair Street in Jacksonville, Fl.  Interesting to note that the church moved in 1997  from St. Clair to Crystal Springs road on a 10 acre plot exactly next to our home. We had moved from the Woodstock Park area about 1960. 

The church pastor who welcomed me into the fellowship was Harold Cushing and it was then that I had an experience of new life in Christ.  The expression of the Christian faith is often said in this way; “I accepted Jesus in my heart” and I did.

From that time, I had convictions that I had never known and the realisation that there was indeed an eternity and that I would one day see Jesus face to face.  Yes, I believe that even today. No, I have not lived the perfect life but yes, I live forgiven daily as I depend on His Holy Spirit for strength, power and understanding.

Geneva Vaughan, missions

For many years, we remained at Woodstock Park Baptist Church and both of my parents served faithfully.  My Father was a deacon and my Mother worked in various positions at the church and as listed in the 1964 Church Directory, she was on the missions committee.

Woodstock on St. Clair

When my parents bought the 10 acre plot on the Westside of Jacksonville about 8 miles from Woodstock Park Baptist we continued to attend the church until we joined Macedonia Baptist on Fouraker Road to get involved in the neighborhood church. It seems I was about 10 years old.

It was so interesting in 1997 when Woodstock Park Baptist Church moved right next to our home on Crystal Springs Road.  They purchased the land and built a big, beautiful, white church with office buildings and all.  Our family never returned to join the church, although my niece was pianist there for a bit.  In my Father’s older age, he visited a few times by simply walking across his property line to the churches transom.  Full circle.

In 2019, Woodstock Park Baptist ended up in the hands of Hillcrest Baptist Church and there was a name change. It will alway be Woodstock Park Baptist to me though.

In my adult life, I attended Westside Baptist Church and then joined the First Baptist Church, the fellowship of my grandparents, Clifford and Lula Long. Again, full circle.

My life would have been very different without Christ. I’m thankful for the change. I’ll never be the same.

See you tomorrow,

Sources: Brochure- Jason Whittkopp