November 14

Jacksonville Fair Frills

Every year, our family enters something into the Jacksonville Fair arts contest. It’s fun and free and you might even win a dollar or so. This year, I entered a cabinet door painted with chickens and won the $10 prize for “Best in Class”. How fun! Also entered was a drawing of the Jacksonville clock which received a blue ribbon. Yay.

As a “wanna-be” artist and being named “Nan”, I paint by the name of “Nan Gogh”. My cousin, Phyllis once teased me in that way and from then, Nan Gogh has been my assigned painting name.

Kathy, my sister has won multiple first place ribbons at the fair over the years and this year was no different, she received a first place for her drawing of Mollie, the family dog.

Ramey, my 9 year old grandson is now in his 2nd year of winnings with a first place this year for his photo of our family old Dr. wagon which was recently restored on our parent’s Homestead property.

Ah…What to do for next year…

See you tomorrow,