September 27

Queen Elizabeth II, Grandmother to Many

Having been in the crowds this week in London where people actually and genuinely seemed to love  Her Majesty, the Queen of England, Elizabeth II. It was heartwarming.  Because of the circumstances of the massive crowds, we spent great amounts of time with groups of people having met them for the first time.  In our case we spent as many as 7 hours together.  In seven hours you learn a lot about people. 

QEII first Christmas broadcast

I don’t know if this story was repeated or if it was true for this man but he told how Queen Elizabeth was the only Queen he knew.  She was like his grandmother, he said.  He said they would be in their own homes cooking on Christmas Day and they would hear a familiar voice from the television. It would be like their grandmother speaking to them, and telling them everything would be alright.  She would tell them about the birth of Christ and His importance encouraging them to follow their dreams and do good. He confirmed that he would miss that from her.  What a great influence to the masses far and wide, not just in England.

We don’t have to be Queen Elizabeth to make that same difference.  We can be that person to someone in our lives.  Go forth friends…

See you tomorrow,

Tags:, Vaughan Publishing, Jacksonville , Fl Copyright © 1953-2024. Feel free to share any of my photos with credit to Ramey Collection.

Posted September 27, 2022 by Jacksonville Blogger in category "Faith", "Random Posts", "Travel

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