September 27

Queen Elizabeth II, Grandmother to Many

Having been in the crowds this week in London where people actually and genuinely seemed to love  Her Majesty, the Queen of England, Elizabeth II. It was heartwarming.  Because of the circumstances of the massive crowds, we spent great amounts of time with groups of people having met them for the first time.  In our case we spent as many as 7 hours together.  In seven hours you learn a lot about people. 

QEII first Christmas broadcast

I don’t know if this story was repeated or if it was true for this man but he told how Queen Elizabeth was the only Queen he knew.  She was like his grandmother, he said.  He said they would be in their own homes cooking on Christmas Day and they would hear a familiar voice from the television. It would be like their grandmother speaking to them, and telling them everything would be alright.  She would tell them about the birth of Christ and His importance encouraging them to follow their dreams and do good. He confirmed that he would miss that from her.  What a great influence to the masses far and wide, not just in England.

We don’t have to be Queen Elizabeth to make that same difference.  We can be that person to someone in our lives.  Go forth friends…

See you tomorrow,

September 27

It Was Hers To Do

You probably think I fell off of the earth having not written a word for more than a week. Well, I feel as if I did!  That’s for sure.  Traveling such a great distance in such a short time causes a body to reel! I’m back though, safe and life is finally getting back to normal.

As you well know if you follow Jacksonville Blogger, that my sister, Kathy and I traveled “across the pond” to England to see Queen Elizabeth II,  Her Majesty the Queen for the last time.  She passed away September 8, 2022 and we went to say our last and final farewell to Her Majesty, the Queen of England.

QEII Official, 1959

 It was my sister’s 2nd time visiting her, and my 3rd occasion to see her and we’re richer for it.  On two other occasions, I traveled to see her; at Williamsburg, Virginia here in America when she visited the original colonies area and my family traveled to England when William and Kate married in 2009.  

The thing about this Queen was her steadfast, continuous and determined actions to truly live for the people.  It was hers to do.  She didn’t ask for this job and would not even had been Queen had her Father’s brother not abdicated.  As you probably know, Edward VIII created a stir when in 1936 he abdicated the throne to marry a divorcee, and American actress, Wallis Simpson.  Upon his abdication of the throne, his brother, became King George VI.  Elizabeth was not even a teen when her father became king but was groomed to take his place and in June of 1953 did just that vowing to “strive to be worthy of your (the people’s)trust”. 

I have in sincerity pledged myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged to mine. Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your trust. In this resolve I have my husband to support me. He shares all my ideals and all my affection for you.” Queen Elizabeth II, 1953

It was hers to do. What is it that you and I are to do? Let’s get on with it!

See you tomorrow,