September 12

Queen Elizabeth II- Defender of the Faith

For over seventy years, Queen Elizabeth II has had the hearts of so many.  She has endeared herself to the masses over the years of her long reign.  In her own right, she surpassed Queen Victoria for the longest living monarch and all over the world has been an icon and living Christian in her walk. On September 8, 2022, she is said to have died peacefully in her home.

Q E II-Resale Photo

Over the years she has stood strong in “defending the faith”, standing for what is right and in her own personal life and having had no scandal to tarnish her personal self.  While her children and grandchildren have had concerns in their lives, she has been strong and projected a life “lived well”, as her son, the new King Charles III said in his first speech as King.  Let’s just hope he is a defender of the Christian faith as was his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. Honors to the Queen for her service.

See you tomorrow,