August 30

Looking Back

In a recent post, I wrote about a sorry excuse for a person who dumped a helpless dog out in the country.  Who would do that?  Who has absolutely NO heart so as to drop off a dog into a totally wooded area with country homes miles and miles apart?  

As I was looking through the photos on my computer, I came again, across the image of this poor helpless pup and noticed how after putting him in that woman’s car, he was tenderly looking back at me.  My heart breaks.

As noted in that post, it appeared the woman was in a B line to come get this dog. Thinking back, she had probably seen him there earlier and returned to rescue him. It all happened so fast and I did not ask questions. It was all so crazy how I stopped to take a simple photo and ran across this hungry and thirsty animal.  Then out of no where, the lady appeared asking about him and took him right away.  How kind!

People can be nice too.

See you tomorrow,
