August 28

The Story of Two Dogs

On Sunday, August 28th, while traveling from Augusta to Jacksonville, I decided to go “the scenic route”.  The GPS took me through the little towns in Georgia and down the back roads where there were loads of flora, fauna, farms, and such.  Upon stopping at a forever-field of pecan trees, I got out of my car to take a photo because it was so impressive.   There were trees as far as the eye could see.

While heading back to my car, I noticed in the not-too-far distance a rather big dog; a blonde lab type.  It startled me, being so far out and seeing it by the ditch.  Not knowing if he was friendly, I walked straight to the car and just after closing the door found the dog looking in the window at me; paws on the glass!  His tail was wagging and that long wet tongue lapping so obviously, he was friendly. Up close, he looked skinny too, so someone had apparently let him out and driven off.  How horrible!

My car was a load full of wagon wheels to decorate this fall, 3 very huge ligustrum trees, luggage from my trip and items from shopping with my sister over the weekend. I wondered right then and there where he was going to sit.

Immediately, I got my glass of water and opened the door giving him water to drink.  He savoured every lick.  Then I thought, about what to do.  How would I take him?  Where would he fit?  What would I do with him once I got him home?  I already have a dog and cats galore!  The very dog I have was rescued. I have cats galore because when tenants walk away from their homes leaving them there, they end up in my home.   Oh my!

It wasn’t long when a lady turned the corner.  She rolled her window down and said, “Are you going to rescue that dog?”  I said, “Well, I’m from Jacksonville. I just saw him and didn’t know what to do”.  She said, “If you help me get him in my car, i’ll take him”, and she did!

Reaching down, he was picked up and put in her front seat. She had already laid down her jacket for him.  She said, “People can be awful”.  I totally agree but I was totally grateful she wasn’t awful but kind-hearted instead. She must have known he was there and headed to get him.

What would I have done with another animal?  For sure, something! There is no way I could have driven off leaving that dog on that lonely road but was so thankful for this woman who took in that stray.

Traveling along further, I saw on a hill a pretty home.  On the front lawn was a black, healthy looking dog laying on the lawn looking as if he was waiting on someone.  I slowed and passing by noticed he watched me carefully.  I turned my car around so as to get a photo. When I did, he ran at me barking as if to say, “Don’t bother my home”.  

The story of two dogs…. One dog skinny and hungry for attention; lost and in need of help.  The other, waiting on his master, full, happy and protecting the land.

What kind of person would leave an animal out on a lonely road?   God Bless the lady who took him.  There are good people out there too. 8-28-22

Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD understand it completely. Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways. Proverbs 28: 5-6.

See you tomorrow,

Tags: , , ,, Vaughan Publishing, Jacksonville , Fl Copyright © 1953-2024. Feel free to share any of my photos with credit to Ramey Collection.

Posted August 28, 2022 by Jacksonville Blogger in category "Animals", "Travel

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