August 19

Vaughan’s Little Library

My cousin, David Paul is a licensed contractor and when asked about building a “Tiny Library” box did not hesitate.  He built it with left over items he had in his wood and metal piles.  After he was finished, I was able to pick it up while visiting our family reunion in Hampton, South Carolina.  It has been on the corner of our Jacksonville Crystal Springs property since about 1997.It was built with fine wood and a metal roof. What a beauty. (Thanks, cousin!).

Since it was placed there using a braced 4 x 4, it has served the community well.  When full, the library contains about 50 volumes depending on the size of the books.  It has stayed full and has on occasion had a paper box placed under it with additional books.  We discourage that due to rain and weather concerns.

The digital world has hit us all full force and now-a-days many readers have reading devices and apps on their phones and computers to read books.  The hand held books seem to becoming a thing of the past.  This makes me so sad.

My Father and Mother were lovers of books.  They built a brick room off of the back of the house dedicated to just books.  We call it our library even today. It probably has 2,500 volumes in  that small home.

The “Little Library outside was completely empty when I rode past yesterday.  For sure, those using it are not following the rule:  “Take One. Leave One”. I’m still grappling on what to do with this situation. I’d like to put a sign on the glass that reads:  “ Karen took five books. She did not leave any in return.  Do not be like Karen”. ” Take One. Give One.”Your thoughts? 8-19-22

See you tomorrow,

Tags: ,, Vaughan Publishing, Jacksonville , Fl Copyright © 1953-2024. Feel free to share any of my photos with credit to Ramey Collection.

Posted August 19, 2022 by Jacksonville Blogger in category "Neighborhoods", "Random Posts

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