August 17

Our Old Country Barn

We could not save the barn of our childhood.  It was built about 1963 using railroad cross ties and tin.  My Father had a way with putting things together, using the old and creating a new look.  The old barn held up until about 2001 when it began to show serious disrepair.  At that time, my Father, in his 90’s,  was not going out to the barn area much and no attention was being paid to the lagging sides and caving-in roof.  

Family Barn- Nan-Kathy 2020

In 2021, we finally came to the realization that it could not be pulled, pushed or braced enough to save it so, we took it down with an excavator, burned the wood, and removed the brick flooring. We are now in the process of repurposing the camper barn instead.

Many memories are attached to that old barn even though it is gone and almost no evidence of it once being on the 10 acre property.  We spent many days playing on the 75 bales of hay that would be delivered for our horse and cows.  While we only had one horse, Smokey, and 2 cows, Betsy and Lambert. It was still a farm; a small one, but a farm.   We milked Betsy, rode Smokey and Lambert was a prize cow so that was our animal fix.

Over the years, we had chickens, geese and of course, dogs and cats.  We once had a weasel and certainly saw snakes a-plenty.

Those were the days. 8-16-22

See you tomorrow, 

Tags: ,, Vaughan Publishing, Jacksonville , Fl Copyright © 1953-2024. Feel free to share any of my photos with credit to Ramey Collection.

Posted August 17, 2022 by Jacksonville Blogger in category "Buildings", "Family

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