July 24


Who knew there was a plant such as a Tamatillo and it may be a relative of the “tomato”. Ha! As I cleaned out a plant area at my parents home today, I saw these beautiful bulbs. I’ve never seen them before so I had to take the time, go get my cell phone and take a pic.

After researching and trying to figure it out, it seems it is a Tomatillos.  The “bonnie plants” site says it is a “distant cousin” of the beloved tomato.

It is native to Central America and can be gathered, sold and eaten( and we have them right here in Jacksonville, Florida)!  I’ll keep you posted. I did not break any off so I’ll report back if it is similar to a tomato after it ripens and I take a bite. I like red beefsteak so I’ll let you know how this turns out. Tomato, Toma’to or Tamatillo?

See you tomorrow.

Jacksonvilleblogger.com, Vaughan Publishing, Jacksonville , Fl Copyright © 1953-2024. Feel free to share any of my photos with credit to Ramey Collection.

Posted July 24, 2022 by Jacksonville Blogger in category "Flora and Fauna

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